一周热闻|缅甸风云再起、贝佐斯卸任CEO、快手在港上市…… Chai跳吉尼斯记录

Myanmar military detained elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi
Last Monday, Myanmar’s military detained the democratically elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi. The army said the detention was necessary because the government had not acted on① the military’s claims of fraud② in November’s elections, in which Suu Kyi’s ruling party③ won a majority of the parliamentary seats up for grabs④. The army handed power to military chief Min Aung Hlaing and imposed a state of emergency for one year. Nobel Peace Prize winner Suu Kyi, 75, came to power after a 2015 election win that followed decades of house arrest⑤ in a struggle for democracy with Myanmar’s junta⑥ that turned her into an international icon⑦. While she has remained popular at home, Suu Kyi’s deference⑧ to the generals—going so far as to defend their crackdown on Rohingyas—has left her reputation internationally in tatters⑨. (Reuters and AP)
2月1日,缅甸军方扣押了民选领袖昂山素季 。军方表示,政府没有对其指控的11月选举舞弊采取行动,所以这次扣押很有必要 。大选中,昂山素季领导的执政党赢得了议会多数待选席位 。军方将权力移交给国防军总司令敏昂莱,并下令实施为期一年的紧急状态 。昂山素季是诺贝尔和平奖得主,现年75岁 。她于2015年赢得大选,上台执政 。此前,她曾被软禁数十年,为争取民主与缅甸军政府斗争,她也因此成为国际偶像 。虽然昂山素季在缅甸国内广受欢迎,但她对将军们颇为恭顺,甚至为其镇压罗兴亚人辩护,这令她在国际上的声誉一落千丈 。
① act on: to take action as a result of (advice, information, etc.) 遵照……行动,奉行
② fraud: [fr??d]