

物流专业英文文献选读【物流专业英文文献选读】《物流专业英文文献选读》是2009年中国物资出版社出版的图书 。
图书信息出版社: ; 第1版 ()丛书名: 高等院校物流专业精品系列教材平装:正文语种: 英语开本: 16ISBN: 9787504730114条形码: 9787504730114尺寸: 25.6 x 18.2 x 1.8 cm重量: 621 g内容简介《物流专业英文文献选读》内容为:21世纪的物流教育需求逐步深入,教材体系也必须不断推陈出新,才能适应物流行业蓬勃发展的书面 。为此,我们组织编写了“高等院校物流专业精品系列教材” 。这套教材在体系上围绕主体科目,内容上与时俱进,注重理论与实践的紧密结合,突出作业流程及实践技术的可操作性 。可作为高校物流工程与物流管理专业的教材及参考书,也可作为物流领域从业人士的的学用书和工具书 。目录Chapter 1 An Introduction to Logistics1. 1 Basic knowledge preparing1.1.1 History1.1.2 What is logistics1.1.3 Evolution of the logistics management concept1.2 Logistics system1. 2. 1 Elements of logistics1.2. 2 Activities of logistics system1.3 The new logistics management paradigm1.3.1 The internet B2B economy1.3.2 Reverse logistics1.3.3 Real-time logistics event management1.3.4 Technology solutions provide visibilityWords and termsNotesExercisesAfter-class readingChapter 2 Customer Service2. 1 Surroundings introduction2. 1.1 The marketing perspective2. 1.2 Quality of service2. 1.3 Case study2. 1.4 Customer loyalty2. 2 Basic knowledge preparing2. 2. 1 The role of customer service2.2. 2 Concept of customer service2. 2. 3 The components of customer service2.2.4 Customer service policy2.3 Service level2. 3.1 Defining customer service objectives2. 3.2 Service level and cost2. 3.3 Setting service standards2.3.4 Measuring customer serviceWords and termsNotesExercisesAfter-class ReadingChapter 3 Warehouse Management3.1 Basic knowledge preparing3.1.1 The role of warehouses3.1.2 Types of warehouse or distribution3.1.3 Warehouse operations3. 1.4 The functionality of warehouse3.2 Warehouse management3.2. 1 Warehouse costs3.2. 2 Warehouse decision3.2.3 Objective and principles of good warehouse design and management3.2. g Strategic issues affecting warehousing3.2. 5 Modem warehouseWords and termsNotesExercisesAfter-class readingChapter 4 Inventory4. 1 Basic knowledge preparing4. 1. 1 Role of inventory and functionality4. 1.2 Types of stock-holding4. 1.3 Inventory costs4. 1.4 Inventory goals4. 2 Inventory replenishment systems4. 2. 1 Reorder quantities4. 2. 2 Demand forecasting4. 3 Inventory management4. 3. 1 Problems with traditional approaches to inventory planning4. 3.2 Different inventory requirements 4. 3.3 The lead-time gap4. 3.4 The problems of high levels of inventory and the approache:4. 3.5 Analyzing time and inventoryWords and termsNotesExercisesAfter-class readingChapter 5 Transportation5.1 Basic knowledge preparing5.1.1 Definition5.1.2 Importance of an effective transportation5.1.3 The single-service choices5. 1.4 Intermodal services5.1.5 Transportation characteristics5.2 Transportation management5.2. 1 Creating economic utility5.2. 2 Transport cost characteristics5.2. 3 Service choices and their characteristics5.2.4 The economic factors of transportation5.2. 5 Transportation documentation5.2.6 Market and pricing decisionsWords and termsNotesExercisesAfter-class readingChapter 6 Logistics Information6. 1 Logistics information system6. 1.1 Logistics information system overview6. 1.2 Information functionality6. 1.3 The importance of information in logistics management6. 2 Information technology6. 2. 1 Introduction to the information technology6. 2. 2 Use of EDI in the supply chain6. 2. 3 Technology at UPS6.3 Logistics information management6.3.1 Principles of logistics information6.3.2 DANZAS' principles of logistics information Words and termsNotesExercisesAfter-class readingChapter 7 Supply Chain Management7. 1 Basic knowledge preparing7. 1.1 Concepts of supply chains and its management7. 1.2 Model of supply chain management7. 1.3 Key attributes of supply chain management7. 1.4 Seven principles of supply chain7. 1.5 Agile supply chain and its principles7.2 Supply chain management and demand chain management7.2. 1 Supply chain management7.2. 2 Demand chain management7.2. 3 Demand/supply chain linkagesWords and termsNotesExercisesAfter-class readingChapter 8 Logistical Strategy8. 1 Basic knowledge preparing8. 1.1 Why formulate logistics strategies8. 1.2 A conceptual approach to formulating logistics strategy……Chapter 9 Outsourcing LogisticsChapter 10 International LogisticChapter 11 Global LogisticsChapter 12 Performance Measurement in Supply ChainChapter 13 New Diections in Logistics