高分!大考生写出“优、精、佳、美”之英语作文 英语介绍中国之最

精彩的英语思维写作向学生招手,在大考中闪烁着高分英语作文的辉煌 。以介绍中国的传统节日为题,写一篇原创英语写作范文如下:
【高分!大考生写出“优、精、佳、美”之英语作文 英语介绍中国之最】Dear Mike, my friend,
I write you a letter, in reply to your e-mail days before, asking me for the information interesting to you about such Chinese traditional holidays as Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Day. The Spring Festival is considered as being one of most important holidays in China, bringing Chinese people great pleasure and filling happiness with them.
Their houses are to set with paper-cutting flowers on their windows, to decorate in pleasure, having already been cleaned thoroughly on the eve of the festival, when to have deliciously eight-course meal ready for family members making Jiaozi tasty as one of traditional Chinese food in their getting together.
Having finished taking food, they watch the Spring Festival Gala on TV, or welcome in the New Year by setting off fireworks at midnight. In having been full of joy at this, children in the family get luckily New-Year money received from their parents together with grandparents, or from their relatives.
All these could find people in a family well in everything which, they hope sincerely, they do in New-Year time.
The above makes you kept fully acquainted with Chinese traditional-holiday information, in my belief.
Best wishes!
Liu Wei
根据中文大意和英语提示词语,写出意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于80词的短文 。所给英文提示词供选用 。
假设你是刘伟,你的美国朋友MIKE 想通过你了解中国的传统节日 。请你根据提示,给Mike 写一封e-mail,向他介绍我国传统节日春节的情况 。
内容提示:1.春节是中国最重要的传统节日;2.春节期间人们的主要活动(节前、除夕、节日期间) Spring Festival, traditional, decorate, on the eve of the festival, get together, set off fireworks, lucky money
以文化意识、较高思维的质量和英语逻辑写作思维,展现沟通和交流 。该文内容以自然恰当地使用常见的指示性代词作为衔接关系等语言手段建立逻辑关系,因此体现理由和结果之逻辑关联性 。
这样在构建社会“以节日活动篇为题”意识基础上,再现传统节日春节欢庆热烈之情景,也体现写信人作者“刘伟”之观点、陈述事件及其评论(阐释观点和态度)对主题意义的加深表达,由此促进表达效果提升 。这样收信人Mike较好地对中国春节传统节日的了解 。
这篇英语作文有开放性和思辨性,能反映丰富联想空间和多思维角度,结合体验和感悟,写出个性化思考的英语作文 。实现英语写作达到较好的结果 。此标题之观点所体现的是:英语写作之实践的真实不同寻常的原创英语写作范文;及逻辑单句和逻辑组句所使用工具就是借助逻辑推理四种逻辑思维推理:一因一果;一因多果;多因一果;多因多果——轮换使用及其逻辑表达形式:原因句←提示句→结果句,才能确保写出的英语作文具有“成活率” 。
大考生自然会感觉到:此篇英语作文不是“中文式思维”的英语作文,而是英语逻辑思维写作英语文;所以清晰地展示了“智慧浇灌着逻辑思维的伟大梦想,汗水迎接着优秀英语作文的璀璨阳光”之涵义 。精彩的英语思维写作向学生招手,在大考中闪烁着高分英语作文的辉煌 。实现——高分!大考生写出‘优、精、佳、美’之英语作文——的理想 。