

满足为止【满足为止】满足为止(Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough)是Michael Jackson首张成年个人专辑《Off The Wall》的首发单曲 。
外文名称:Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough
所属专辑:Off The Wall
歌曲原唱:Michael Jackson
谱曲:Michael Jackson
编曲:Michael Jackson
介绍它是Michael Jackson首张成年个人专辑《Off The Wall》的首发单曲,由于《Off The Wall》是他的第一张大型个人大碟,因此此曲的成功与否极其重要 。Michael亲自谱写的"Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough"不负众望,成为他继"Ben"以来七年中的首个冠军单曲,同时这首歌还为Michael赢得了一座格莱美“最佳节奏蓝调歌手奖” 。可以说,这支歌曲的成功为Michael Jackson之后的辉煌打下了坚定的基础 。该曲讲述了青年为了真爱而不断追求,歌词充满阳光且积极向上 。随着Michael喃喃自语后的一声长长的“喔”,我们连同音乐一起坠入了爱河 。这首歌当中假声运用也是无与伦比的,这样高扬的声音看来只有Michael能唱得出来 。在不断吟唱\\"Keep on with the force don't stop / Don't stop 'til you get enough"(继续下去不要停/直到你满足为止)的时候,我们已经不由自主地跟随节奏舞动起来 。作为迪斯科舞曲,这首歌曲在今天看来,也仍是舞曲中的经典之作,被许多俱乐部和歌厅採用 。

off the wall专辑封面歌词[1st Verse]Lovely Is The Feelin' Now 魅力,是一种感觉

Fever, Temperatures Risin' Now 狂热,兴奋的温度正在上扬Power (Ah Power) Is The Force The Vow 能量,来自于让一切这发生的That Makes It Happen 力量和誓言It Asks No Questions Why (Ooh) 无需什幺理由So Get Closer (Closer Now) 再靠近我一点To My Body Now Just Love Me 就这样爱我吧'Til You Don't Know How (Ooh) 直到你不知所措[Chorus]Keep On With The Force Don't Stop 继续下去,要不停Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough 直到你满足为止

Keep On With The Force Don't Stop 继续下去,要不停Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough 直到你满足为止Keep On With The Force Don't Stop 继续下去,要不停Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough 到你满足为止Keep On With The Force Don't Stop 继续下去,要不停Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough 直到你满足为止[2nd Verse]Touch Me And I Feel On Fire 抚摩我,我兴奋莫名Ain't Nothin' Like A Love Desire (Ooh) 爱的火焰无与伦比I'm Melting (I'm Melting) Like Hot Candle Wax 我像红烛般熔化

Sensation (Ah Sensation)Lovely Where We're At (Ooh) 我们之间,诞生了美妙的情愫So Let Love Take Us Through The Hours 就让爱戴我们穿越时光I Won't Be Complanin' 我将无所怨言'Cause This Is Love Power (Ooh) 因为这就是爱的力量[Chorus]Keep On With The Force Don't Stop 继续下去,要不停Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough 直到你满足为止Keep On With The Force Don't Stop 继续下去,要不停Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough 直到你满足为止Keep On With The Force Don't Stop 继续下去,要不停Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough 直到你满足为止

Keep On With The Force Don't Stop 继续下去,要不停Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough 直到你满足为止(Ooh)[3rd Verse]Heartbreak Enemy Despise 无视他人的妒忌Eternal (Ah Eternal) 永恆的爱Love Shines In My Eyes (Ooh) 在我眼中放射光芒So Let Love Take Us Through The Hours 让爱带我们穿越时光I Won't Be Complanin' (No No) & 我将无所怨言'Cause Your Love Is Alright, Alright 因为你的爱太美妙,太美妙……[Chorus]Keep On With The Force Don't Stop 继续下去,要不停Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough 直到你满足为止Keep On With The Force Don't Stop 继续下去,要不停Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough 直到你满足为止Keep On With The Force Don't Stop 继续下去,要不停