四级英语作文预测题 四级英语作文预测

大学英语歼迹迹四级考试作文考氏并前预测是最后州斗冲刺时期很多考生的救命稻草,四级英语作文考前预测虽然有帮助,但是大家也不要赌上全部,该复习的还是要复习,基础打好才是王道 。新东方在线分享英语作文预测系列,大家看看,仅作参考 。
: For this part, you are30to write a short essay based on theblow. Youstart your essay with a briefof theof airand thenhow to make the air . Youwrite at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.
From theabove, we can see thatarein theair. With airthan , pm 2.5 hasa usual word for us.to say,do not like this word, as thethe worddoes great harm to ’s .
As theair doesour , wetake someto make the air . On the one hand, wetake massofa car.to astudy,is a mainof air , so if, the air will. On the other, more treesbetothe tiny dust in the air, whichwill make the air .
of theneedsby everyon the . Only in this way can we haveair and more.
: For this part, you are30to write a short essay. Youwrite at least 120 wordsthegiven below.
1. 现在网上购物已成为一种时尚
2. 网上购物有很多好处,但也有不少问题
3. 我的建议
on theisain manydue to the rapidof the. It isamongand white-.
Theofis : it can save some time for those busy with their work or .a few , they can getthey wantout of the room. Still,has some . First, it is lessandwith face-to-face . , it fails to offer the fun of .
There is no doubt thatis a veryway and hasantrend in our . It’sthat thelawsbeinwith the rapidof. Only in this way canenjoy the fun andoftheof being .
:For this part,you are30to write a short essaySay No to.
1.目瞎纯答前盗版现裤念象比较严重 。
2.造成在这种现象的原因及危害磨慧 。
ismore and more of ain China. any ,such as tape,CD and hi-tech ,can be . after a newly-is put on the , willfind itsin the .

四级英语作文预测题  四级英语作文预测

Itbe paidto thatgreat harm.On the one hand,often sell well due to theirin price in spite of theirpoor ,and theones,on the ,sell .On the other hand,may also haveonsince those’ may behurt as aof money loss.,it is high time that we tookto solve theas soon as .
First of all, laws andbeto.,as ,weourto.Only in this way can thisbe.
: For this part, you are30to write aon the topicGames. Youwrite at least 120 words, and base youron thebelow:
3)你的看法 。
As aofand the ,games haveveryamong. A great manyhavegreatandfrom these games. But as we see, someself- are too muchin these games so that theirandare . Thishasmuch worry from theand .
, someargue thatgames are not. They can train theoftoto. , they cantheirand theirin. More , it does bringmuchandtheir.
From my point of view,games are aifplay them in away. When theytoo much with their , it isfor to give them up at once. Yet ifhaveself- over them, they canrealanda lot from them.
每一年的热门话题都不同,每一次的四级考试写作题目也不同,所以大家在备考的时候尽量的多了解实事话题,多掌握相关的英语知识,这样在考试的时候遇到才不会不会写,也不会出现无从下手的情况 。
英语四级作文有人预测对的 。
大学英语作文是陵姿衡量学生英语综合水平和应用能力的一个重要指标,也是大学四级考试的一个重要内容 。在整个四级卷面(满分为100分)中占15分,考生在这一部分的得分直接决定其四级成绩 。