保罗·贝特尼个人资料简介保罗·贝特尼家庭背景图片资料( 三 )

《年轻的维多利亚女王》The Young Victoria (2009)
《蜜蜂的秘密生活》The Secret Life of Bees (2009)
Brideshead Revisited (2008) ...Charles Ryder
《墨水心》Ink heart (2008) ...Dustfinger
There for Me (2007) ...
《达芬奇密码/达文西密码 》 The Da Vinci Code (2006) ...Silas
《错误元素/防火墙 》 Firewall 》 (2006) ...Bill Cox
《温布尔登/情定温布尔登/球恋大满冠 》 Wimbledon (2004) ...Peter Colt
Making of 'Wimbledon: The Movie' (2004) ...Himself
Euston Road (2004) ...Y
Premiere Women in Hollywood Awards (2004) ...Himself
《狗城/狗镇/厄夜变奏曲》 Dogville (2003) ...Tom Edison
《怒海争锋/怒海争锋:极地远征》 Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003) ...Dr. Stephen Maturin, Surgeon
《罪孽的代价 》 The Reckoning (2003) ...Nicholas
The Orange British Academy Film Awards (2003) ...Himself
Dogville Confessions (2003) ...thanks
《我的心》 The Heart of Me (2002) ...Rickie
The Orange British Academy Film Awards (2002) ...Himself
《美丽心灵》 A Beautiful Mind (2001) ...Charles
《圣战骑士/骑士传奇/武士传说》 A Knight's Tale (2001) ...Geoffrey Chaucer
The World's First Sports Promoter (2001) ...Himself
Heath Ledger Profile (2001) ...Himself
Stories for the People (2001) ...Himself
Kiss Kiss (2000) ...Jimmy
【保罗·贝特尼个人资料简介保罗·贝特尼家庭背景图片资料】Dead Babies (2000) ...Quentin
《大卫·科波菲尔》 David Copperfield (2000) ...James Steerforth
《天王流氓》 Gangster No. 1 (2000) ...Young Gangster
《自杀俱乐部》 The Suicide Club (2000) ...Shaw
《雨后》 After the Rain (1999) ...Steph
"Every Woman Knows a Secret" (1999) ...Rob
《大地的女孩 》 Land Girls, The (1998) ...Philip
《网路杀手》 "Killer Net" (1998) ...Joe Hunter
《爱如潮水 》 Coming Home (1998) ...Edward Carey-Lewis
《沙普的滑铁卢 》 Sharpe's Waterloo (1997) ...Prince William of Orange
《生命中不能承受之情 》 Bent (1997) ...Captain