duck是什么意思 翻译 duck是什么意思 duck是什么梗

【duck是什么意思 翻译 duck是什么意思 duck是什么梗】

duck是什么意思 翻译 duck是什么意思 duck是什么梗

duck [d?k] n. 鸭子,鸭肉
牛津词典:a common bird that lives on or near water and has short legs, webbed feet and a wide beak. There are many types of duck , some of which are kept for their meat or eggs.
鸭子的构成特征:一种常见的鸟(a common bird)生活在或靠近水的地方(lives on or near water)有短腿(and has short legs)蹼足和宽喙(webbed feet and a wide beak)鸭子的属性特征:鸭子有很多种类(There are many types of duck)一些鸭子被饲养为了它们的肉或者蛋(some of which are kept for their meat or eggs)单词选自:人教精通版小学《英语》三年级上册