ingredient可数吗 ingredient

当问到家里谁负责做饭时,通常我们都会回答妈妈做饭 。当然也可以说家人都很忙,所以都不做,几乎天天在外面吃 (Actually no one in my family does cooking as all are busy with work. We eat out almost every day) 。在回答有没有做过饭时,可以采用常规的回答,比如曾经做过一次,不仅把厨房弄得一团糟,还要自己收拾,做的食物也很难吃 (Yes, I did once before. I made a mess in the kitchen and still had to tidy up by myself. Besides, the food was terrible to swallow.) 。
Q: Do you know how to cook (make/prepare a meal)?
【ingredient可数吗 ingredient】
A: My knowledge of cooking is not very advanced and I can only prepare some basic meals. For instance, I can cook rice using a rice cooker and heat up instant noodles in a microwave. Cooking is a time-consuming process for me and I am not well-versed on how to prepare and cook ingredients to make complex meals.
我的烹饪知识不是很高级,我只能准备一些基本的饭菜 。例如,我可以用电饭煲煮米饭,用微波炉加热方便面 。烹饪对于我来说,是一个非常耗时的过程,而且我并不精通如何准备和烹饪食材来制作复杂的饭菜 。

advanced 高级的
rice cooker 电饭煲
instant noodles 方便面
time-consuming 耗时的
well-versed adj. 熟知的
ingredient n. 成分

ingredient可数吗 ingredient



Q: Do you ever do any cooking in your family?

A: On rare occasions, I have made some meals for my family members at home. Nevertheless, they were simple dishes such as stir-fried tomatoes and scrambled eggs, a common dish in China. I also attempted to prepare Kung Pao chicken for my parents; nonetheless, it was quite difficult for me to replicate the delicious taste of this dish.

在极少情况下,我在家为我的家人做了一些饭 。不过,它们都是些简单的菜,比如在中国很常见的西红柿炒鸡蛋 。我还尝试为父母准备宫保鸡丁; 但是我很难做出这道菜的美味 。
nevertheless adv. 然而 = however
stir-fried tomatoes and scrambled eggs 西红柿炒鸡蛋
attempt vt. 试图,打算= manage
Kung Pao chicken 宫保鸡丁
nonetheless adv. 然而=however
replicate vt. 复制;重复