vaccine preventable vaccine

vaccine /v?k?si?n/ n. 疫苗:点击音频收听跟读↓↓↓↓↓↓

例句/词组:Doctors worried that there would not be enough vaccine for everyone who needed it.
医生担心没有足够的疫苗给每个需要的人 。
英语解释:a substance which contains a weak form of the BACTERIA or VIRUS that causes a disease and is used to protect people from that disease
助记技巧:vaccine /v?k?si?n/ n. 疫苗:
vaccin 词根来源于拉丁语vacca,表示母牛,词源同vaquero 。1800年,英国医生Edward Jenner发现了预防天花的方法,即通过提取牛痘病毒疫苗注射入人体使之产生antibody 。
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