


1. But that it was not your father but you who had put me into prison, that from beginning to end you were the responsible person, that it was through you, for you, and by you that I was there, never for one instant dawned upon you.
2. Of course I should have got rid of you. I should have shaken you out of my life[14a] as a man shakes from his raiment a thing that has stung him.
3. that all through those two and a half years during which the Fates were weaving into one scarlet pattern[35a] the threads of our divided lives you really loved me.
4.that I ruined myself: and that nobody, great or small, can be ruined except by his own hand
5.But for my pity and affection for you and yours, I would not now be weeping in this terrible place.
6.I want to get to the point when I shall be able to say, quite simply and without affectation, that the two great turning-points of my life were when my father sent me to Oxford, and when society sent me to prison.
7. but out of Sorrow have the worlds been built, and at the birth of a child or a star there is pain.
【他自深深处,自深深处小说x全集免费下载】8. but Sorrow is the ultimate type both in life and Art.

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有些事你现在不必问 , 有些人你永远不必等 。
林忆莲的《梦醒时分》 。早就说要戒情歌 , 不要再次坠入流行歌曲用来捕获人心的通俗性 , 却又开始听这样的歌 。也不知道究竟是那专门为每一个人设计好的歌词总是能够打动我这个俗人之心 , 刺穿自己刻意构筑的那层不甘庸俗的防线;还是因为 , 我那正日趋娇弱的、必须轻拿易放的心正亟需这样的旋律帮助它的漂浮与领悟 。
至少在这一点上 , 我很正常:我喜欢通俗的流行爱情歌曲 。我喜欢多愁善感的音符 , 我喜欢故作伤悲的曲调 , 我喜欢自欺欺人的愁眉 , 我喜欢一往情深的嗓音 , 我喜欢所有情歌里在唱那个“你” , 那个“他她” , 那个“我”时仿佛沉迷好似用力的彻底的执迷 。痴情的人在生活里是傻子 , 在情歌里是英雄 。是的 。痴情的我们 , 只有在歌里 , 戏里 , 梦里 。
这个世上有很多东西 , 一旦被发现了规律就失去了它的吸引力 。一炮走红的网络红人在被爆出幕后推手以后会慢慢在这个红极的青天中消失 , 风靡一时的电脑小游戏一旦被玩家发现……
如何理解王尔德在《自深深处》中所说的“无论什么 , 领悟了就是”

我的理解就是 , 感觉就像是王尔德在狂槽阿尔弗雷德『我给你讲清白!LZ不当这个冤大头了!爱咋地咋地!不伺候了!』
最先开始读《自深深处》的时候几乎幻灭 。读的第一本王尔德的作品是《莎乐美》 , 就是上海译文版本的 , 包装相当精致 , 王尔德原作法文 , 波西译作英文以及中文全部收录 。再加上比亚兹莱的插画 , 完全是维多利亚时代豪奢的感觉 , 让我对王尔德的唯美主义深信不疑 。