felt是啥意思 felt如何解释

felt是啥意思 felt如何解释

felt是啥意思 felt如何解释 (1)、n.毛毡
(2)、v.摸索( feel的过去式和过去分词 );触;深感;以为
(3)、At home he felt worse .回家后他觉得更糟 。
(4)、Tyler looked a hundred times worse than I felt .泰勒看上去比我原以为的要糟一百倍 。
(5)、Mr. jones , who worked at the albany felt company , was known for helping people all over town .老琼斯在奥尔巴尼毛毡公司供职,因为乐于助人在当地也是小有名气 。
(6)、Pakistan felt humiliated too by the way the al-qaeda leader was killed .而且基地组织领导人的被击毙也令巴方深感羞辱 。
【felt是啥意思 felt如何解释】(7)、After a long period of isolation I felt like it was my city .在长时间的孤立后我觉得这是我的城市 。