heavy的比较级为什么不加more heavy的比较级 heavy形容词的比较级和最高级

关注英语那些事,分享更多英语哦要点:比较级是两者或者两部分之间进行比较 。两者比较要用比较级 。than 比 。
他比Jim高 。
这条河流比那条河流长 。
这本书比那本重 。
He is taller than Jim.(比较级的时候,就不能用原形了 。)
要点:最高级就是三者或者三者以上进行比较,注意比较的范围 。
他是我们三个最高的一个 。
这个房子是所有的房子中最大的一个 。

heavy的比较级为什么不加more heavy的比较级 heavy形容词的比较级和最高级

第二种情况:部分双音节与多音节的词比较级在原级之前加more, 最高级在原级之前加most
beautiful---more beautiful---most beautiful
little (原形) - less (比较级)- least(最高级)
good/well(原形) - better(比较级) - best(最高级)
bad/ill (原形) - worse(比较级) - worst(最高级)
far (原形)-- further—furthest
Tom is tall. John is tall. Bob is tall.
I'm as tall as you. Tom is as tall as John.
A as+形容词或者副词原形+as B 这是原级比较,
Bob is taller than John.
John is the tallest of the three.
John is the tallest in his class.
一、 在…than…句中,这是常见的比较级用法
He is taller than I.(口语中常作:He is taller than me.)
他比我高 。
He is two heads taller than I.
【heavy的比较级为什么不加more heavy的比较级 heavy形容词的比较级和最高级】他比我高出两个头 。
二、 比较级and比较级,表示越来越……
It‘s getting darker and darker.
天越来越黑了 。
He is getting more and more interestedin sports.
他对体育越来越感兴趣 。
备注:如果是多音节的话,用more and more+adj./adv.
More and more beautiful;more and more carefully
三、 The +比较级,the +比较级, 表示越……,越……
The more you eat, the more you want.你越吃越想要 。
The earlier you get up ,the more you read.你起的越早,你读的就越多 。
四、 在which…or…?句中,表示两者比较
Which is bigger, the sun or the moon?
五、形容词比较级前可受much,far,a lot,still,no,a little,even,any 修饰,表示超出的程度
1. much
We have a much better life now. 我们现在的日子好得多了 。
2. far
The buildings look far uglier in London than here.
伦敦的建筑比这儿的难看得多 。
3. even
This story is even more interesting than that one.
这个故事比哪个更有趣 。
4. a lot
I made a lot more mistakes than you (did).
我犯的错误比你多多了 。
5. a little
Your cake is a little bigger than mine.
你的蛋糕比我的大一点儿 。
6. still
It‘s still colder today. 今天更冷一些 。
7. any
Have you any more? 你还有吗?
Oh, sorry, no more. 哦,对不起,没有了 。
8. no
She‘s no better yet.
她一点也没好转 。
The train is no longer in sight.
火车再也看不见了 。
1,nice 2. fat 3. slow 4. dry 5. happy
6. wet 7. much 8. ill 9. little 10. bad 11. thin 12. far
13. early 14. careful 15. exciting 16. busy
1. Mr. Smith is _________ man in this office. (rich)
2. Winter is _________ season of the years. (cold)
3. It is much _______ today than yesterday. (hot)
4. She is a little ________ than her classmates. (careful)
5. ________ people came to the meeting than last time. (many)
6.Jack is______than his brother.(tall)
7. Which book is ________, this one or that one? (easy)
8. My room is _______ than yours. (small)
9. Hainan is _______ from Beijing than Hunan. (far)
10. Skating is _______ than swimming. (exciting)
11. Jim is _______ than all the others. (honest)
12. Things are getting _______ and _______. (bad)
13.13. The higher you climb, the _______ it will be. (cold)
14. Now his life is becoming ________ and _______. (difficult)