1、Spring Festival is the lunar Suishou, is also our ancient traditional festivals. Ancient-off year is not in the twelfth lunar month on the 29th or on the 30th, but in the wax on, that later, Laba. Southern and Northern Dynasties later, the wax Festival to the end of the year. To the Republican era, the switch to Gregorian calendar was only then that the lunar year is called Spring Festival, because the Spring Festival is generally in the Spring, both before and after.
2、翻译:春节,是农历的岁首,也是我国古老的传统节日 。古代过“年”不是在腊月二十九日或三十日,而是在“蜡日”,即后来的“腊八” 。南北朝以后,把“蜡祭”移至岁末 。到了民国时,改用阳历,才把阴历年叫“春节” , 因为春节一般都在“立春”前后 。
3、Spring Festival is Chinas biggest and most exciting festival of an ancient tradition. Commonly known as Chinese New Year. According to Chinas Luna.
【关于春节的英语手抄报内容 关于春节的英语手抄报】4、春节是我国传统节日,随着汉文化在西方的广泛流传,春节也成为西方人熟知喜爱的节日,春节用英语怎么说呢?出国留学网小编为您解答,欢迎阅读 。
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