英语短篇小说 英语短篇小故事( 二 )

It's not hard to see why; his , some of them, some of them, oftenthe humanat odds with a.
不难发现,他的故事中有的是科幻类,有的是现实主义,常常描绘人文精神和消费主义文化之间的矛盾冲突 。
A, half the size of a real , hangs mid-aired over a crib. In the , the arms of tinyandwave and. Theof theout like grass under a , and thenwaves runfrom theof the room. When the waves die down, it’s just aagain. The whole cycle takes three and a half .
一个只有真篮球一半大的丝绒篮球漂浮在婴儿床上方;衣柜里,小夹克和毛衣的袖子乱舞,狂野地行着礼 。地毯上的织线平铺开,像直升机下方的草坪一样,接着圆形波纹从屋子中间向四周涌动着 。当波纹平静下来,它又成了一块寻常地毯 。这整套动作一共要花上三分半 。
A Worn Path
by 尤多拉·韦尔蒂

英语短篇小说  英语短篇小故事

Welty was a -from the South, known foraboutlife in . The“A Worn Path” in 1941. It tells the story of an old womana longfrom her home to theof town.
韦尔蒂来自美国南部,作品以描写美国南部生活为人所熟知 。1941年,《大西洋月刊》发表了她的作品《熟路》 。作品讲述了一个年迈的妇人从家徒步远行到市中心的故事 。
heard the dogs , and heard the manand. She even heard a .
菲尼克斯听到狗打架的声音,听到那人跑动并抛掷木棍的声音,她甚至还听到了枪声 。
But she wasby that time,and, the lidsdown over her eyes, as if she were doing this in her sleep. Her chin wasto her knees. Thepalm of her hand came out from the fold of her apron. Herslid down and along theunder the piece of money with the grace and care they would have inan egg from under ahen. Then sheup; she stood erect, and thewas in her apron .
但在这个时间里,她一点一点缓慢弯下身来,眼皮耷拉着,像是在睡梦中 。她的下巴几乎触到了膝盖 。黄色的手掌从围裙褶里伸了出来 。她的手指悄悄顺着地面摸到硬币底下,就像是从抱窝的母鸡身下取蛋似的,那么谨慎,那么从容 。然后她慢慢直起腰来,直挺挺地站着,硬币早已装到了围裙口袋里 。
A bird flew by. Her lips moved. 'Godme the whole time. I come to .'
一只小鸟飞过 。她的嘴唇蠕动着 。“上帝一直在瞧着我 。我落到偷东西的地步了 。”
How toa
by 洛丽·摩尔
英语短篇小说  英语短篇小故事

Moore’s pithy andhas won her bothand, and “How toa ,” a storyin her first ,Self Help, is no . It’s a funnyof theanhas to clear,plans and.
摩尔作品的简练和幽默为她赢来关注和如潮好评 。《如何成为一名作家》这则故事最初发表在她的第一部合集《自助》当中,沿袭了她简练和幽默的风格 。该文讲述了那些有志于成为作家的人必须克服的障碍,比如有后备计划,有一帮糊涂的大学舍友等等 。
It is best if you fail at an early age - say, 14. Early,isso that at 15 you can write long haikuabout. It is a pond, a, a windwingfor . Count the . Show it to your mom.
如果你早年失败,比如14岁,那再好不过了 。失败的幻灭是必须的,这样,你到15岁就能以你挫败为灵感写出长俳句了 。池塘、樱花、微风拂过飞向山间的麻雀羽翼 。数数音节,让你母亲读读 。
She is tough and . She has a son inand awho may bean . Sheinbrownit hides spots. She'll lookat yourthen back up at you with a face blank as a . She'll say: ''How aboutthe ?'' Look away. Shove the forks in the fork .break one of thegas. This is thepain and . This is only for .