


【功夫熊猫人物介绍英文,功夫熊猫英语介绍】When I first saw Paul, I was thinking that it is just a big and fat panda. There won't be any hopes for him to become the "dragon warrior".
当我看见波波(功夫熊猫)时 , 我以为他就是只大胖熊猫 , 绝对不可能成为神龙大侠 。
But when his teacher Shifu discovered that Paul can do anything if he had his food in front of him. Then, the hard training started by Paul.
但当他的老师发现波波只要面前有好吃的就无所不能了 。艰苦的训练就开始了 。
I thought that his goal is very simple, to get food to eat, and his Shifu used that habit and made him the best dragon warrior.
我觉得波波想法很简单 , 有吃的就行 。师父正是利用了他这个嗜好让他成为神龙大侠的 。
I learned a lesson from Paul which is when he had a firm goal, he will try to get it no matter what dangers lie in front of him. That's the part that I like him the most.
我从波波身上学到一点就是他认定的目标 , 一定会不顾任何危险努力实现 。这是我最喜欢功夫熊猫的地方 。
Kung Fu Panda
It's the story about a lazy, irreverent slacker panda, named Po, who is the biggest fan of Kung Fu around...which doesn't exactly come in handy while working every day in his family's noodle shop. Unexpectedly chosen to fulfill an ancient prophecy, Po's dreams become reality when he joins the world of Kung Fu and studies alongside his idols, the legendary Furious Five -- Tigress, Crane, Mantis, Viper and Monkey -- under the leadership of their guru, Master Shifu.
But before they know it, the vengeful and treacherous snow leopard Tai Lung is headed their way, and it's up to Po to defend everyone from the oncoming threat. Can he turn his dreams of becoming a Kung Fu master into reality? Po puts his heart——and his girth——into the task, and the unlikely hero ultimately finds that his greatest weaknesses turn out to be his greatest strengths.
五星级回答 , 一定要采纳哦 , 不要辜负我的辛苦劳动!

I Love it! The story was great and the background was beautiful, it really felt like an ancient Chinese city. This original story is one of the best since Shrek. And the meaning behind the story may be even better! The story is about Po, an overweight panda who is the son of a noodle maker, who dreams of Po following in his footsteps. But Po longs to be a ninja fighter. Po is as you know is a panda bear and the film's unlikely hero: as the bigger than life and completely lovable bear voiced by the comic genius Jack Black. Po is a Sweet but clumsy, bear who hears the news the ancient and long awaited dragon warrior will be named, so he runs (as much as he can) to hear who will be named at the celebration.
Without giving too much away, when an "accident" seems to name Po as the dragon warrior (much to the horror of Master Shifu (voiced perfectly by Dustin Hoffman) and the disappointment of Furious Five: Tigress (Angelina Jolie), Viper (Lucy Liu), Mantis (Seth Rogen), Crane (David Cross) and Monkey (Jackie Chan). Shifu must find a way to train him. One hilarious moment after another continues until Shifu recognizes Po's true driving force. This is just in time as the villain Tai Lung (Ian McShane), a snow leopard has returned as he believe is the true Dragon Warrior.
I can not recommend this movie enough. Certainly this is marketed for the kids – but the whole family will enjoy it.