
"Naked sleep helps the body develop, promotes deep sleep, and relieves physical thinking." "Sleep naked and you are naked, don't fucking take off my underwear!" the roommate said viciously
2.爱上了新搬来那个养哈士奇的男孩,每天都偷偷的看他遛狗,但是不确定他是不是gay 。终于有一天在楼道里碰到了他,忍不住试探着问他:“我..我可能和正常人不太一样,我不太喜欢女孩 ”他高兴的大喊道:“你也喜欢草哈士奇?”
【爱上了新搬来那个养哈士奇的男孩】Falling in love with the newly moved boy raising huskies, he secretly watches him walking the dog every day, but he is not sure if he is gay. Finally ran into him in the corridor one day, and couldn't help but tentatively asked him: "I... I may be different from normal people, I don't like girls very much." He shouted happily: "You also like grass huskies. #34;
"Every time I make up my mind to lose weight and not eat snacks, I feel like a mermaid." "Are you saying that you are as beautiful and cute as a mermaid#34; "No, the memory of a fish is only 7 seconds."



4.恋爱真的会滋养人,有几个特别瘦的妹子胖了一点更漂亮了 。也不用羡慕,你没对象也越来越胖
Love really nourishes people. There are a few particularly thin girls who are a little fatter and more beautiful. Don’t be envious, you are getting fatter without a partner


5.孙悟空大闹天宫,玉皇大帝问各位神仙“何人能阻止这泼猴?” 一片沉默后,太白金星上前说道“没有神魔能够阻挡” “你对自由的向往?”玉皇大帝唱了出来

Monkey King made a noise in the Heavenly Palace. The Jade Emperor asked the gods, "Who can stop this monkey#34; After a moment of silence, Taibai Jinxing stepped forward and said, "No god or devil can stop you." "Your yearning for freedom#34; The Jade Emperor sang