倒钩low,足球术语的解释( 四 )

13、花式解围(Acrobatic Clearance)
Adds spectacular defensive clearances to your game
Helps if not quite facing ball to clear it before striker.
在侧对球或背对球的时候,球员会使用绚丽的花式解围(侧勾、倒钩解围等)动作 。仅韩服的传奇球星有 。
1、与裁判争论(Argues With Officials)
If a player has this trait, it means that they tend to argue with officials more than others when the referee calls for a decision and they perhaps do not like it.
裁判判罚的时候爱与裁判争论 。
这种球员一般可以打多个位置,并且可以适应不同位置 。都出现在07赛季 。和下面这个相对 。
如果打非擅长位置,其某些属性数值或降低 。最典型的就是06和07托尼,注定只能打ST.
Captains usually have this trait. It isn’t very noticeable in-game, but can be seen when the referee calls for a penalty and the captain jumps in to separate the players from the referee.
队长一般有这个隐藏 。在游戏中不是很重要 。比如裁判判罚点球时,球员会冲上去和裁判理论,拥有此隐藏的球员会把己方队员拉开 。
They do not tendly to pass ball when is in their's area. This trait is not noticeable as you’re the one controlling the players.
在自己位置进攻的时候不喜欢传球给队友 。但是手打模式可忽略 。
6、稳固可靠(Solid Player)
对自己的角色有很强的责任感 。06/07阿比达尔、特里有此隐藏 。
1、避免使用逆足(Avoids Using Weaker Foot)
This trait is usually given to players who have a low weak foot rating in FIFA and means that they prefer to shoot with their stronger foot.
这个隐藏专为天生残脚的人准备的 。在射门的时候他们会喜欢用擅长脚 。
It means that the player tends to dive in order to get a free kick or penalty.
跳水,英文词就是最好的解释,为了得到了一个任意球或点球,他们已经熟读了《一个演员的自我修养》 。
骡子强项 。
3、偏好铲球(Dives Into Tackles)对应超玩数据库的“抢断高手”
This trait is usually given to CDMs or defenders. Players with this trait put an extra effort into stopping the ball by diving into tackles.
一般是CDM和后卫专属 。拥有此隐藏的球员格外喜欢铲球来阻挡对方 。如果一个铲断极其优秀球员拥有此隐藏未必不好,比如W拉姆,W罗霍 。但是对于速度奇慢,侵略又高、铲断值低的球员来说就危险了,追着追着不上,倒地一铲,又不准,就要吃牌了 。比如10阿莱克斯 。
4、易受伤(injury Prone)
Having this trait means that the player gets injured easily in games.
在比赛中易受伤 。
The opposite of the above-mentioned “Injury Prone” trait. Players with this trait rarely get injured when playing.
和易受伤相反,在比赛中不易受伤 。
6、超级替补(Super Sub)
替补上场,体力旺盛(竟然还有这样的人) 。代表07小白、07奥吉文登、07马丁斯 。
1、进攻组织者(Play Maker)
Players with this trait are very good at setting up goals or very good goal-scoring opportunities for the rest of the team.
擅长策划进球,能在恰当的时机助攻队友取得进球 。
2、禁区之王(Target Forward)
在禁区内有更卓越的表现 。06/07托尼,07/08德华有此隐藏 。
3、反越位(Tries To Beat Offside Trap)
Players with this trait make well-timed runs to beat the offside trap and find open space to score.