日批是什么感觉 为什么抽得越快叫得越大

据美国媒体报道,最新发表在国际著名医学期刊JAMA Internal Medicine上的一项研究表明,十六分之一,即超过330万年龄介于18至44岁的美国女性所经历的初次性体验,是她们所遭受的强奸,且许多人遭受强奸的时间是在她们的青少年时期 。

日批是什么感觉 为什么抽得越快叫得越大

图 via Michelle Thompson
Researchers based their analysis on an annual survey by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which asked women ages 18 to 44 if they chose to have sex for the first time of their own free will.
研究人员的分析基于美国疾病控制与预防中心的一项年度调查 。该调查询问了18岁至44岁的女性,她们是否自愿进行了首次性行为 。
Of the respondents who answered no, sometimes reporting multiple types of coercion, about 56% described being verbally pressured, 46% said they were held down and 25% said they were physically harmed.
在给出了否定回答的受访者中,她们有时报告受到了多种形式的威吓,约56%的人说自己受到了口头压力,46%的人说自己身体遭受压迫,25%的人说受到了身体伤害 。
For 1 in 16 US women, first sexual intercourse experience was rape, study says (via USA Today)
这项研究指出,世界卫生组织承认,强迫性行为(forced sexual initiation)是一种独特的性暴力形式(a distinct form of sexual violence) 。与那些自愿发生首次性行为的青少年相比,遭到强迫性行为的女性将面临长期的健康问题 。
In the years after coerced or forced sex, affected women had more sex partners, unwanted pregnancies and abortions, and more reproductive health problems including pelvic pain and menstrual irregularities than women whose first sexual experience wasn't forced. Almost 16 percent reported fair or poor health, double the rate of other women. The study couldn't establish whether forced sex caused or contributed to any of the health or other problems.
在威吓或强迫下进行性行为后的几年里,受影响的女性比那些第一次性行为没有受到强迫的女性有更多的性伴侣、意外怀孕和堕胎,以及更多的生殖健康问题,包括骨盆疼痛和月经不规律 。近16%的女性称自己的健康状况一般或较差,是其他女性的两倍 。这项研究无法确定强迫性行为是否导致或促成了任何健康问题或其他问题 。
"Experiencing rape at first sexual encounter is an extreme loss of autonomy over one's sexuality," said lead author Dr. Laura Hawks, an internist and Harvard Medical School researcher. She said it's not surprising that it might lead to later mental and physical health problems, given other studies on lasting effects of trauma.
内科医生及哈佛医学院研究员、该研究的主要作者劳拉·霍克斯说:“初次性接触遭遇强奸是对自己性行为自主权的极度丧失 。”她说,考虑到其他关于创伤的长期影响的研究,这可能会导致后来的心理和身体健康问题,这并不奇怪 。
Many U.S. women say 1st sexual experience was forced in teens (via NBC News)
日批是什么感觉 为什么抽得越快叫得越大

图 via Getty Images
此外,这项研究还显示,在首次性行为中遭到强奸的美国女性的平均年龄为15.6岁 。
【日批是什么感觉 为什么抽得越快叫得越大】The average age of women who experienced forced sexual initiation was 15.6. The average age of the partner or assailant at the time was 6 years older. Among women whose first sexual intercourse was voluntary, the average age was 17.4.
这些首次性行为经历是被强奸的女性,平均年龄为15.6岁 。当时的伴侣或攻击者的平均年龄要大6岁 。自愿进行第一次性行为的女性,其平均年龄为17.4岁 。
Some 50% of women surveyed said the perpetrator was larger or older. More than 46% of the women were held down. In 56% of the instances, men used verbal pressure. Men used a physical threats more than 26% of the time and caused physical harm in more than 25% of the instances. Some 22% of the women were drugged.
约50%的受访女性表示,肇事者的体型较大或年龄较大 。超过46%的女性被压制 。在56%的案例中,男性使用了语言压力 。男性使用实质性威胁的几率超过26%,造成身体伤害的几率超过25% 。大约22%的女性被下药 。
For 1 in 16 US women, their first experience with sexual intercourse was rape, study says (via CNN)
性教育专家丹·赖斯(Dan Rice)指出,美国学习中性教育的不足,导致了这个问题 。
"Our culture teaches people not to be raped instead of teaching people not to rape," he said.
“我们的文化教导人们不要被强奸,而不是教导人们不要去强奸,”他说 。