crew是什么意思 crew是什么意思 crew什么意思中文( 二 )

The class is made up of 50 students.这个班有50名学生 。
Tbe class are having an English class.这个班的学生正在上英语课 。
17. Your trousers_______ dirty, you must have______ washed.
A. is, it B. are, it
C. are, them D. is, them
答:C.表示成双成对的部分构成的物品如scissors剪刀 , tongs钳子 , glasses跟镜 , clothes衣物 , trousers裤子等做主语时 , 谓语用复数形式.指代它们的代词也用复数形式 。若用a pair of (a suit of)做主语时 , 谓语用单数形式 。
18. The police the murderer everywhere when he suddenly appeared in a theatre.
A. is searching for B. were searching for
C. are searching for D. were searching
答:B.police.people , cattle , folk等形式为单数形式 , 但其意义为复数 , 谓语用复数形式 。
19. Everything in the room including the table and chairs ______ new.
A. are B. is C. were D. be
答:B.everything是主语 , 谓语应用单数 , 详见第l题解析 。
20. The Chinese people __________ a brave and hard-working people.
A. are B. is C. has D. have
答:B.此句意为“中华民族是一个勤劳勇敢的民族 。”句中people作“民族”解 。
21. Every means ________.
A. has tried B. have tried
C. has been tried D. have been tried
答:C 。此句意为“每一种方法都试过了” 。means , works(工厂) , sheep , fish , deer等词属单复数形式相同的词 。
22. The worker and writer _______ going to give us a lecture.
A. are B. is C. were D. have been
答:B.and并列两名词做主语时 , 若指一个人兼两个职务时 , 谓语用单数形式 。
23. Ten years__________ a long time.
A. are B. is C. have D. has
答:B 。时间 , 货币、距离等词的复数形式做主语时 , 看作整体时 , 谓语用单数;看作个体时 , 谓语用复数 。如:Ten years have passed.十年过去了 。Ten dollars is e-nough. 十美元足矣 。(看作整体)
24. Large quantities of water __________ needed for cooling purpose.
A. is B. are C. bas D. have
答:B 。quantities为复数形式 , 谓语用复数 。quantities of .... 。
25. No bird and no beast _________ on the lonely island.
A. are seen B. is seen
C. see D. sees
答:B 。no...and no...谓语用单数形式 。
26. The population of this country__________ very large and 80 percent of the population peasants.
A. is, is B. are, are
C. is, are D. are, is
答:C.population做主语指整体时 , 谓语常用单数形式 , 但如果说百分之几或几分之几的人 , 谓语常用复数 。
27. Here________ a new pair of shoes for you.
A. is B. are C. have D. has
答:A 。a pair of做主语 , 谓语用单数形式 。
28. —How _______the team playing?
—They’re playing well, but one of them__________ hurt.
A. are, got B. is, gets
C. are, are D. is, were
答:A.第一句意为“队员们发挥得怎样?”team指“队员” 。They’re playing well 是量重要的信息 , one of them做主语时 , 谓语用单数 。get+pp. 一种被动式 。
29. Neither of the novels which ______ popular with us ________ been translated into Chinese.
A. are, has B. are, have
C. is, have D. is, has
答:A 。定语从句的谓语和先行词一致 。either和neither做主语时 , 谓语一般用单数形式 。
30. Alice, together with two boys, ______or having broken the rules.
A. was punished B. punished
C. were punished D. being punished
答:A 。

crew是什么意思 crew是什么意思 crew什么意思中文

【crew是什么意思 crew是什么意思 crew什么意思中文】