比基尼是什么意思? 比基尼是什么意思 中国泳装生产基地在哪( 三 )

-Butterfly requires timing and a strong upper body and I would come out strong but re-enter the water like a wounded dolphin which probably cost me more energy that necessary.
蝶泳需要把握好时机,上半身要有力量,我出水的时候很有劲,但是再入水就变得像受伤的海豚一样,结果可能要比正常情况消耗更多的能量 。
-I would be hungry as hell after taking several laps in the pool. So I would get a Five Guys burger and then go home and go straight to sleep negating all my hard work from swimming.
在泳池里游几个来回以后,我就饿得要死,所以游完以后就吃一个Five Guys大汉堡,回家倒头就睡,费劲游了半天消耗的能量全都补回来了 。
-I liked walking around the pool with the towel on my head, crushing on the lifeguard, and doing handstands off the diving board.
我喜欢脑袋上顶着毛巾在泳池边晃悠,对着救生员犯花痴,然后在跳水板上拿大顶 。

【比基尼是什么意思? 比基尼是什么意思 中国泳装生产基地在哪】
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