may是什么意思|may的音标|may的用法( 五 )

可以说,他俩都是绝对可靠的人 。
14. (以便)能,可以(使某事发生)
If you do something so that a particular thing may happen, you do it so that there is an opportunity for that thing to happen.
e.g. ...the need for an increase in the numbers of surgeons so that patients may be treated as soon as possible...
e.g. The door is shut so that no one may overhear what is said.
门关着,这样没人能听见说话的内容 。
15. 祝;但愿
People sometimes use may to express hopes and wishes.
e.g. Courage seems now to have deserted him. May it quickly reappear.
他现在似乎失去了勇气,但愿他能很快重新振作起来 。
16. be that as it may -> see be
may as well -> see well
may 单语例句
1. Other analysts said Guangzhou may not be able to attract enough business passengers, who form the most lucrative market segment.
2. Acrylonitrile primarily affects the nervous system and lungs, can cause death and may cause cancer.
3. Enterprises failing to comply may have their registration and even business licence revoked.
4. If it fails to do so, the industry and commerce administration authorities may cancel its business licence.
5. Lau said the government may consider expanding the loan guarantees and inject more capital if the business sector welcomes it.
6. The diffusion of these innovations into standard business operation may require more than a push from the financial sector.
7. Capital lays idle, and a prime business opportunity may well slip away.
8. Some worry that we may encourage the illegal sex business by doing so, but leaving sex workers vulnerable to the virus is against ethical principles.
9. While distracting topics such as cybersecurity may continue to make the headlines, trade and economic relations remain the business to attend to.
10. Given the limited business scope of ROs, you may think the scale of operations should be small.
may 英英释义
1. thorny Eurasian shrub of small tree having dense clusters of white to scarlet flowers followed by deep red berries
established as an escape in eastern North America
Synonym: whitethornEnglish hawthornCrataegus laevigataCrataegus oxycantha