plastic plastic汉语是什么( 二 )

plastic plastic汉语是什么

15.Plastic is an amazing material.
塑料是一种神奇的材料 。
an amazing material 一种神奇的材料16.Plastic is a long-lasting material and does not rot away.
塑料是一种耐用的材料,不会腐烂 。
a long-lasting material 一种耐用的材料 rot away 腐烂17.This means that it is a useful material, but it can cause big problems when it is thrown away.
这意味着它是一种有用的材料,但当它被丢弃时,可能会造成大问题 。
a useful material 一种有用的材料cause big problems 造成大问题is thrown away 被丢弃18.Plastic stays around for a long time when thrown away.
塑料在丢弃后会存留很长一段时间 。
stays around 存留 for a long time 很长一段时间thrown away 丢弃19.It fills up landfills.
它填满了垃圾填埋场 。
fills up 填满
plastic plastic汉语是什么

20.It is best to recycle plastic so that it can be melted down and used for something new!
It is best 最好是recycle plastic 回收塑料so that 以便can be melted down 可以被熔化something new! 新的东西图片来源于网络

Plastic is a manmade material that can be used for all sorts of things. The first plastic was made in the early 1900s and is completely synthetic. This means that it does not have any natural materials in it. Scientists created it to do certain jobs that natural materials could not. There are hundreds of kinds of plastic. They can be hard and strong or soft and flexible. Plastic melts when it is heated so that it can be molded into lots of different objects.
Plastic is waterproof and does not rot. This makes it perfect for holding water or other drinks as bottles. Plastic does not absorb any liquids or germs, making it very easy to clean. It is also an insulator, so it can keep hot things warm and cold things cool. All of these properties make plastic a good choice for preparing, eating, and storing food. Plastic can be molded into any shape and made any color. This makes it a perfect material for creating all kinds of toys. Plastic is an amazing material.
Plastic is a long-lasting material and does not rot away. This means that it is a useful material, but it can cause big problems when it is thrown away. Plastic stays around for a long time when thrown away. It fills up landfills. It is best to recycle plastic so that it can be melted down and used for something new!
plastic plastic汉语是什么

根据短文,回答问题 。
plastic plastic汉语是什么

1.Why is it a problem to throw plastic away?
2.What is plastic useful for?
water bottles
storing food
all of these
参考答案:1.Becuase plastic stays around for a long time when thrown away and it fills up landfills.2.all of these【plastic plastic汉语是什么】获得更多的原版英语学习资源,请关注@优质英语学习资源,每天都会有更新 。如果有英语学习方面的问题,可私信我咨询 。