thirsty thirst( 二 )

果汁和汽水不但补水功效更差 , 而且会提供过多的糖分和热量 , 而且不会像固体食物一样令我们产生饱腹感 。如果要在汽水和水当中选一个来解渴 , 你肯定要选水 。毕竟 , 我们的肾和肝依靠水来排除身体里的毒素 , 而且水对于保持皮肤的弹性和柔软也起到了关键作用 。水是你能找到的最便宜的润肤品 。
While staying hydrated is important -- doing so keeps our joints lubricated, helps prevent infections, and carries nutrients to our cells -- in most situations people don't need to worry too much about how hydrating their beverages are.
尽管补水很重要——可以保持关节润滑 , 帮助防止感染 , 将营养输送到细胞——不过 , 在大多数情况下人们不需要太担心饮料的补水效果 。
lubricate:vt. 使…润滑
"If you're thirsty, your body will tell you to drink more," Maughan said. But for athletes training seriously in warm conditions with high sweat losses, or for someone whose cognitive function may be negatively impacted by working long hours without beverage breaks, hydration becomes a critical issue.
莫恩说:“如果你渴了 , 身体会告诉你多喝一点 。”不过 , 对于在高温条件下辛苦训练并大量排汗的运动员 , 或者对认知功能可能因长时间工作无暇喝水而受损的人而言 , 补水就变得很重要 。

thirsty thirst

Photo by Emre Gencer on Unsplash
Alcohol acts as a diuretic, which causes you to pass more urine, so when it comes to alcoholic beverages hydration will depend on a beverage's total volume. "Beer would result in less water loss than whiskey, because you are ingesting more fluid with beer," Maughan said. "Strong alcoholic drinks will dehydrate, dilute alcoholic drinks will not."
酒精有利尿作用 , 会让你排出更多尿液 , 因此酒精饮料的补水效果取决于摄入的酒量 。莫恩说:“啤酒导致的水分流失比威士忌少 , 因为喝啤酒摄入的液体更多 。烈酒会让人体脱水 , 低度酒精饮料则不会 。”
diuretic:n. 利尿剂
When it comes to coffee, how well your java hydrates you will depend on the amount of caffeine you consume. A regular coffee with about 80 milligrams of caffeine would be pretty much as hydrating as water, according to Maughan's research.
至于咖啡的补水效果则取决于你摄入的咖啡因总量 。根据莫恩的研究 , 一杯含有约80毫克咖啡因的普通咖啡的补水效果和水差不多 。
Consuming more than 300mg of caffeine, or about 2-4 cups of coffee, could cause you to lose excess fluid as the caffeine causes a mild, short-term diuretic effect. This is more likely to happen with someone who doesn't typically consume caffeine, and it could be offset by adding a tablespoon or two of milk to your cup of joe.
摄入超过300毫克的咖啡因 , 或两到四杯咖啡 , 会导致你失去过多水分 , 因为咖啡因有温和的短期利尿作用 。不经常喝咖啡的人更容易发生脱水 , 可以通过加入一两勺牛奶来抵消 。
The research team at St. Andrews University tested 13 common beverages to see how they impact hydration. Here's what they found, ranked from most hydrating over a four-hour period to least.
圣安德鲁斯大学的研究团队测试了13种常见饮料的补水效果 。下面是这13种饮料在四个小时内的补水效果排行榜(补水效果依次递减):
Skim milk 脱脂牛奶
Oral rehydration solutions 口服补水溶液
Full fat milk 全脂牛奶
Orange juice 果汁
Cola 可乐
Diet Cola 健怡可乐
Cold tea 凉茶
Tea 茶
Sports drink 运动饮料
Still water 白水
Sparkling water 苏打水
Lager 啤酒
Coffee 咖啡
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【thirsty thirst】来源: 中国日报