discucussion discussion decision翻译( 二 )

2. “揭示、表明”的论述方法:uncover, suggest, show, demonstrate, imply, indicate, it was found that, illustrate,
3. 研究展望的描述方法:provide new insights into, ultimately reveal new molecular mechanisms, as an understudied and important potential next frontier, shed light on the molecular basis of , future investigations using strategies reported XXX will likely illuminate novel function of, the data as a continuing source for future discoveries, XXX will be an important question for future investigation, our next challenge is to, can be another strategy for XXX, lays the groundwork for future therapeutic strategies
4. “整合”的描述方法:integrated into, integration of,
5. “预见/认为”的下结论方法:foresee, speculate, these predictions are supported by
6. 总结概括的描述方法:ultimately, altogether, taken together, in summary, together, in conclusion
7. “侧重于, 强调”的表述方法:focus on, concentrate on, highlight,
8. 研究价值的表述方法:particularly useful,

discucussion discussion decision翻译
