funny的比较级和最高级是什么最高级 funny的比较级 funny比较级与最高级( 三 )

【单词】slightly [slahyt][&39;sla?tli] adv. 些微地;稍微;瘦小地
【单词】nuanced [&39;noo-ahnst][&39;nju?ɑ?nst] adj. 有细微差别的;微妙的
【单词】somewhat [&39;suhm-hwuht][&39;s?mw?t] adv. 稍微;有些;多少;几分
【单词】average [&39;av-er-ij, &39;av-rij][&39;?v?r?d?] n. 平均数;平均水平
Also.. there are a lot of different Chinese dialects.
【译】并且,中国有很多不同的方言 。
【单词】dialects 原型:dialect [&39;dahy-uh-lekt][&39;da??lekt] n. 方言;地方话

There seems to be a lot of variation in how crucial tone is to people of each dialect.
【译】对于每种方言的人来说,声调的重要性似乎有很多变化 。
【单词】variation [vair-ee-&39;ey-shuhn][?ve?ri&39;e??n] n. 变种;变奏曲;变动;变化
【单词】crucial [&39;kroo-shuhl][&39;kru??l] adj. 决定性的;关键的
For some dialects, they hardly care at all and they&39;re very flexible -- and the words are such that they&39;re more uniquely discernible even without consideration of tone.
【译】对于某些方言来说,它们根本不在乎,而且它们非常灵活——而且这些词即使不考虑声调,也能更独特地辨别出来 。
【单词】hardly [&39;hahrd-lee][&39;hɑ?dli] adv. 几乎不;简直不;刚刚
【单词】flexible [&39;flek-suh-buhl][&39;fleks?bl] adj. 柔韧的;灵活的;易弯曲的;可变通的
【单词】uniquely [yoo-&39;neek][ju&39;ni?kli] adv. 独特地;唯一地;珍奇地
【单词】discernible [dih-&39;sur-nuh-buhl][d?&39;s??n?b?l] adj. 可辨别的
【单词】consideration [kuhn-sid-uh-&39;rey-shuhn][k?n?s?d?&39;re??n] n. 考虑;考虑因素

&34;Standard&34; Mandarin (similar to Beijing dialect, but with fewer gratuitous &34;R&34; sounds added to the ends of syllables) happens to be (as far as I can tell) one of the most particular when it comes to tone.
【译】就我所知,“标准”普通话(与北京方言相似,但音节末尾附加的“R”音较少)恰好是(据我所知)最为特殊的声调之一 。
【单词】gratuitous [gruh-&39;too-i-tuhs][ɡr?&39;tju??t?s] adj. 无缘无故的;无必要的;免费的
【单词】added 原型:add [ad][?d] v. 加;增加;补充
【单词】happens 原型:happen [&39;hap-uhn][&39;h?p?n] vi. 发生;碰巧;出现;偶遇
【专有名词】Beijing 地名 [&39;bey-&39;jing][&39;be?&39;d???] n. 北京(中华人民共和国首都)

However, people in Beijing seem to be pretty flexible about letting the last syllable or two of a sentence deviate from what the formal tone would be expected to be (sometimes, it just kind of trails off - and that&39;s fine).
【译】然而,北京人似乎很灵活地让句子的最后一两个音节偏离预期的正式语调(有时,它只是有点偏离——效果还很好) 。
【单词】pretty [&39;prit-ee][&39;pr?ti] adv. 相当地
【单词】sentence [&39;sen-tns][&39;sent?ns] n. 句子
【单词】deviate [&39;dee-vee-eyt][&39;di?vie?t] v. 偏离;脱离
【单词】formal [&39;fawr-muhl][&39;f??ml] adj. 正式的;正规的
【单词】trails 原型:trail [treyl][tre?l] n. 踪迹;小径;尾;一系列

In songs, people often take liberties with the syllables and they&39;re not exact.
【译】在歌曲中,人们经常随意使用音节,而且音节并不精确 。
【单词】liberties 原型:liberty [&39;lib-er-tee][&39;l?b?ti] n. 自由;自由权
【单词】exact [ig-&39;zakt][?ɡ&39;z?kt] adj. 精密严谨的;确切的

Similar to as is the case in English, it may make things more difficult to understand, but people don&39;t necessarily care.
【译】与英语中的情况类似,它可能会使事情更难理解,但人们并不一定在意 。
【专有名词】English [&39;ing-glish][&39;??ɡl??] n. 英语

Also, individuals may happen to prefer people with unusual accents - like Singaporean or whatever (similar to how many Americans might personally feel that British people tend to have nicer singing voices even though they talk funny).
【译】此外,个人可能更喜欢那些口音不太寻常的人,比如新加坡人或其他人(类似于许多美国人个人感觉英国人虽然说话很有趣,但他们往往有更好的歌声) 。
【用法】tend to表示“朝某方向;趋向;偏重”,后面接动词原形 。如:We tend to make mistakes when we do things in a hurry.忙中不免出错 。
【单词】happen [&39;hap-uhn][&39;h?p?n] vi. 发生;碰巧;出现;偶遇
【单词】prefer [pri-&39;fur][pr?&39;f??] vt. 宁可;较喜欢
【单词】unusual [uhn-&39;yoo-zhoo-uhl][?n&39;ju??u?l] adj. 异常的;独特的;与众不同的
【单词】accents 原型:accent [&39;ak-sent][&39;?ksent] n. 重音;口音;强调