java打印素数初学者_当3D打印成为初学者时超越初学者( 二 )

There is aProto-Pasta that makes and sells " "PLAs thatFiber,Iron, like aPLA, or High Temp PLA. The High Temp PLA can be head(put them in the oven) and they'll thenvery heatAND a lotand .
有一家名为Proto-Pasta的公司生产和销售“异乎寻常的细丝”,其中包括含有碳纤维,电磁铁(如导电性PLA或高温PLA)的PLA 。可以对高温PLA进行头部处理(将它们放入烤箱中),然后它们将变得非常耐热,并且变得更加坚硬 。
On the left in this pic is a clear High Temp PLA print of aI . Then I put it in the Oven for 20 min at 230F. The one on the right hasandfromtoand it's VERY .
在这张照片的左边是我想要的支架的清晰的高温PLA打印图 。然后,将其放在230F的烤箱中放置20分钟 。右边的一个已结晶,从半透明变为不透明,非常坚固 。
Ithisand using this High Temp PLAup a whole world to me. Now I can trywithPLA! The point is, I wasit safe, but now myhave .
我之所以这样说是因为发现和使用这种高温PLA给我打开了一个广阔的世界 。现在,我可以尝试使用导电PLA印刷简单的电路板! 关键是,我一直在安全地玩,但是现在我的可能性增加了 。
软件-方式比我想象的重要 ( - Way morethan I )
As Iin my post on Theof 3Din 2015 there is a lot of great openthat you can use to 3D Print with. In fact, you can make your own 3Dusing off the shelf parts and open, so there's no real need for you to spend any money on .
正如我在2015年发布的3D打印基础知识中提到的那样,有很多出色的开源软件可用于3D打印 。实际上,您可以使用现成的零件和开源设计来制造自己的3D打印机,因此,您真正不需要花任何钱在软件上 。
But. I waswith a 3Dat aand theyabout . It's an all in one 3Dthat can take in 3D ,them, slice them ( means turn the 3D model into x-y-zfor the ) and so much more.
但 。我正在与的3D打印专家交谈,他们对感到困惑 。这是一款多功能的3D打印软件,可以接收3D模型,对其进行排列,对其进行切片(切片意味着将3D模型转换为打印机的xyz运动),等等 。
I was usingapps,,with the built-in ,files from app to app in a. Withnot only is it , but the parts are . How? It is just that much, IMHO.
在我使用多个应用程序之前,请不断进行修补,与内置软件作斗争,以不连贯的工作流程将文件从一个应用程序移动到另一个应用程序 。使用不仅更容易,而且零件更好 。怎么样? 恕我直言,这就是更智能的软件 。
I love this view below. I've got aI'm going to print, and the havethe "moves" of the print headhow many mm per min (mm/min) the print head will move. See how theis smart about the speed of thethe wallsthe parts that stick up?
我喜欢下面的这种观点 。我有要打印的支架,并且为打印头的“移动”加上了彩色,以智能地显示打印头每分钟移动多少毫米(毫米/分钟) 。看到该软件在支撑件相对于墙壁相对于粘附部件的速度方面如何聪明吗?
made theChess setwhen otherwereweirdortoo fast andover theparts.
当其他系统创建奇怪的支撑或移动速度过快并在易碎的零件上倾斜时,使得国际象棋装置成为可能 。
, if you'retolike I am, pay the money and buy . I don't say that . I'm justtheandwhat it can do, but so far it'sbeen worth the money. I have nowith theand there's nocode on the link.
认真地说,如果您要像我一样过渡到中级,请付钱并购买。我不会轻易说出来 。我只是从头开始,学习它可以做什么,但是到目前为止,它已经物有所值 。我与公司没有关系,链接上没有会员代码 。
恐惧-我仍然担心该设备...直到我拆开它 (Fear - I was stillof the ...until I took it apart)
For the most part I've been using myand3Dissue or .after a fewhours ofa snag in thespool as ita clog in the . I was kind ofout. 3Dareand when you have one well- you don'twant to mess with it. I .