

面拖花蟹【面拖花蟹】面拖花蟹是以活花蟹、麵粉为主要材料製作而成的菜品,调料是料酒、生抽、白糖等,通过煸炒、翻炒的方式做成 。
中文介绍做法:1将花蟹洗净,揭开蟹盖,除去蟹腮,斩下蟹钳用刀背拍裂,蟹切成四块;2给花蟹切口表面都沾裹上一层薄薄的乾麵粉,将剩余的麵粉加清水以1:2调匀,做成麵糊;3炒锅烧热后倒入油,5成热后将沾了麵粉的蟹块切口朝下,中火煎至切口凝固定型,蟹块颜色变红盛出;4留余油将姜丝和葱白段放入,煸出香味,放入煎好的蟹块,烹入料酒去腥;5调入盐、生抽、白糖炒匀,加适量清水大火烧开,改中火,煮约5分钟至入味;6将调匀的麵糊,缓缓倒入锅内,快速炒匀,让蟹块都均匀地裹上一层麵糊,放入葱青段翻炒几下即可出锅 。英文解说Materials: Live Crab, onion ginger, flour.Spices: cooking wine, salt, soy sauce, sugar.Practices:1 Wash the spotted, opened the crab, remove the crab gills, Zhanxia crab claws, crack shot with a knife blade, crab cut into four;2 to the cut surfaces are stick wrapped spotted a thin layer of dry flour, add the remaining flour and mix thoroughly with water to 1:2, made of batter;3 Heat wok and pour into oil, 5 flour into the hot crab dip will cut down the block, the fire Jianzhi incision solidified stereotypes, dishing out crab block color red;4 to stay more than ginger and light blue section of the oil will be placed in, stir the fragrance into the Jianhao crab pieces, cooked into the fishy wine;5 Sprinkle the salt, soy sauce, sugar, stir well, add appropriate amount of water the fire boil, change in the fire, and cook for about 5 minutes until tasty;6 to batter and mix thoroughly, slowly into the pan, quickly stir well, let crab pieces are evenly coated layer of batter, add green onions to the pan stir fry a few paragraphs.