贺陈弘( 四 )

International Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol.44, pp.39-44.
Hocheng, Jadhav, U.U. and Chang, J.H., 2013, “Innovative Use of Biologically Produced Ferric Sulfate for Machining of Copper Metal and Study of Specific Metal Removal Rate and Surface Roughness during Process”,Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol.213, pp.1509-1515.
Hocheng, H., Hsu, W.H. and Shy, J.T., 2013, “A Method for In-Situ Measurement of Residual Layer Thickness in Nanoimprint Lithography”, Microelectronic Engineering. (in press)
Hocheng, H., Hsu, W.H. and Shy, J.T., 2013, “Surface Plasmon Resonance as an Innovative Method for Filling Defects Monitoring in Nanoimprint Lithography“, Applied Surface Science. (in press)
Hocheng, H. and Tsai, H.Y., 2013, Advanced Analysis of Nontraditional Machining, a book of Springer, New York, ISBN 978-1-4614-4053-6, 500 pages.
Huang, T.Y., Hocheng, H., Chou, T.H., Yang, W.H., 2013, “Bring Free Light to Buildings: Overview of Daylighting System”, a chapter in Energy Book Series - Volume 1: Materials and Processes for Energy, Formatex, Spain. (in press)
Hocheng, H., 2012, Machining Technology of Composite Materials: Principles and Practice, a book of Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge, ISBN 978-0-8570-9030-0 /0857090305, 488 pages.
Mai, C.C., Hocheng, H. and Huang, S., 2012, "Advantages of Carbon Nanotubes in Electrical-Discharge Machining", International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 59, No. 1, pp. 111-117.
Hocheng, H., Chang, J.H. and Jadhav, U.U., 2012, “Machining of Various Metals by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans 13820 Culture Supernatant”,International Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 20, pp.180-185.
Hocheng, H., Chang, K.E. and Chang, J.H., 2012, "Threshold of Laser-Activated Writing of Metal using Microbe Metabolite ", International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, pp.51-57.
Hocheng, H., Wong, W.S. and Chang, J.H, 2012, "Shape Effects of Micromechanical Cantilever Biosensor",Measurements:Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, pp.2081-2088.
Hocheng, H., Chang, J., Hsu, H., Han, H. and Chang, Y., 2012, “Metal Removal by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans through Cells and Extra-cellular Culture Supernatant in Biomachining”, CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, Vol.5, No.2, pp.137-141.
Guu, Y.H., Mai, C.C. and Hocheng, H., 2012, "Applications of Carbon Nanotubes in Nontraditional Machining and Microscopy", a chapter in Carbon Nanotubes: Synthesis, Properties and Applications, Nova Science, USA, ISBN 978-1-4614-4053-6.
Jadhav, U.U. and Hocheng, H., 2012, “A Review of Recovery of Metals from Industrial Waste ", a review paper in Special Issue of Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineeringcelebrating the 65 birthday of Prof. L.A. Dobrzanski, Vol.54, 00.159-167.
Hocheng, H., Jadhav, U.U. and Chang, J.H., 2012, “Biomachining Rates of Various Metals by Acidithiobacillus Thiooxidans”,International Journal of Surface Sciences and Engineering, Vol. 6, pp.101-111.
Hocheng, H., Chang, J.H. and Umesh, J., 2012, "Biomachining -- Acidithiobacillus Genus-Based Metal Removal", a chapter in Micromanufacturing Processes, pp. 99-112, Ed. V.K. Jain, CRC Press, USA.
Hocheng, H. and Tsao, C.C., 2012, "Micromechanisms of Delamination in Composite Materials Induced by Drilling", a chapter in the Encyclopedia of Composites, 2 Ed., L. Nicolais and A. Borzacchiello, John Wiley & Sons, USA, ISBN 978-0-470-12828-2.
Hung, J.N. and Hocheng, H., 2012, “Frequency Effects and Life Prediction of Polysilicon Microcantilever Beams in Bending Fatigue”, Journal of Micro/ Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS (JM3), Vol. 11, No. 2, 021206.
Tsao, C.C., Hocheng, H. and Chen, Y.C., 2012, “Delamination Reduction in Drilling Composite Materials by Active Backup Force”,