恋爱魔镜( 二 )


France2006年6月9日 ..... (Cabourg Film Festival)法国France2006年6月21日比利时Belgium2006年6月28日比利时Belgium2006年10月11日爱沙尼亚Estonia2006年12月9日 ..... (Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival)製作公司 Entre Chien et Loup [比利时]Rézo Films [法国] ..... (co-production)Samsa Film S.a.r.l. [卢森堡] ..... (co-production)Tradewind Pictures [德国] ..... (co-production)Amérique Film ..... (co-production)Moviestream [比利时] ..... (associate production)Araneo ..... (associate production)Ateliers de Baere [比利时] ..... (associate production)Filmstiftung Nordrhein-Westfalen [德国] ..... (with the support of)Société de Développement des Entreprises Culturelles (SODEC) [加拿大] ..... (with the support of)Téléfilm Canada [加拿大] ..... (with the support of)Région Wallone ..... (with the support of)Eurimages [法国] ..... (with the support of)Canal+ [法国] ..... (with the support of)RTL-TVi [比利时] ..... (with the support of)Soficinéma ..... (in association with)MEDIA Programme of the European Union ..... (in association with)发行公司Fortissimo Films [荷兰] ..... (France)Fortissimo Film [荷兰] ..... (France)Rézo Films [法国] ..... (2006) (France) (theatrical)特技製作公司Cine&FX其它公司Location Consulting & Facilities [卢森堡] ..... facility vehicles