汉语成语 鬼斧神工( 二 )

    用来形容语言的灵动、精美例如:①一位文学家称讚作家张洁作品的语言时说:“她的语言七抡八砍 , 鬼斧神工 , 自成一体 。”②荷马站在西方文学长河的源头上 , 以具有灵感的、鬼斧神工的语言编织出宏伟、壮丽并带有悲剧色彩的史诗 。
    用来形容自然景物的精美或神奇例如:①这里的溶洞非常美丽 , 而且出人意料 , 面对大自然鬼斧神工一般的创造 , 游客都惊呆了 , 不住讚叹 。②散文家刘白羽讚颂武夷山的美景时写道:“鬼斧神工亦壮哉 , 天公造化费疑猜 。”
因此 , 在语言的实际运用中 , “鬼斧神工”除了形容建筑、雕塑、工艺品等外 , 可以用来形容语言、自然景物等 。顺便指出 , 写“鬼斧神工”的“鬼”字时 , 要注意“鬼”字共九画 , 第六画是长撇 , 中间不要断开 。英文解释简明释义extraordinary as if done by the spirits;
extremely skillful;
divine” workmanship;
the secret workings of nature;
    真是大自然的鬼斧神工 。It's uncanny workmanship of nature.
    I believe this is not a mere freak of naure but a gigantic monument.我确信这不是大自然的鬼斧神工 , 而是一个巨大的人工雕像 。
    The surging waters carved landforms unlike anything else on the continent.奔腾洪水的鬼斧神工造就了大陆上独一无二的地形 。
    Fabricate. Transforms raw goods to finished items.鬼斧神工:使原始材料变为成品 。
    我们的生命 , 端坐于机率垒就的金字塔的顶端 。面对大自然的鬼斧神工 , 我们还有权利和资格说我不重要吗?Our lives sit at the peak of probability pyramid. In face of extraordinary workmanship of nature, could we still have the rightto say, I'm not important?
    线路评价:大自然的鬼斧神工 , 壮丽的生命乐章 。Line rating: nature superlative craftsmanship, magnificent life movement.
    自然界鬼斧神工:绝美雪花---放大n倍让你看 。Nature is extremely skillful: the extremely beautiful snowflake---enlarges n giving way to you very.
    在这样的鬼斧神工面前 , 人类是该自卑的 。
    In this extraordinary as if done by the spirits before, human is the sense of inferiority.这些石头看上去像是有人精心雕琢出来的 , 其实 , 都是大自然鬼斧神工的杰作 。
    These stones look like it was carefully crafted by the fact, are uncanny workmanship of nature's masterpieces.
    你长得国泰民安 , 你长得用心良苦 , 你长得鬼斧神工 , 你长得劳苦功高 , 你长得缺心少肺 。You look to be tranquil and peaceful, you look, you look uncanny workmanship, you laokugonggao much longer, you lackthe heart grow less lung.
    这些大自然的杰作 , 堪称鬼斧神工 , 奇妙无穷 , 让人佩服得五体投地 , 令游人流连忘返 , 更引起无限遐思 。These masterpieces of nature, can be uncanny workmanship, endless wonderful people admire a five-way vote, so thatvisitors away, but caused xiasi unlimited.