
阿勒科【阿勒科】Rexxar来自传说中具有半兽半食人魔的血统的Mok`nathal氏族 。原本是个四处漂泊的浪人,但为了更好的保护他四周的自然世界,Rexxar还是提着他那2把充满力量的斧头加入了近卫军团 。作为野兽的朋友,Rexxar善于用他那令人不安的野性撕扯敌人,而且为了胜利,他甚至会将自己的斧头往敌人身上扔去 。兽王Rexxar是这个行星上的真正的勇士,并且在需要他的时候随时都可以挺身而出 。
简介科尔的斯大陆的英雄之一英雄介绍 (Hero Introduction):Rexxar来自传说中具有半兽半食人魔的血统的Mok`nathal氏族 。原本是个四处漂泊的浪人,但为了更好的保护他四周的自然世界,Rexxar还是提着他那2把充满力量的斧头加入了近卫军团 。作为野兽的朋友,Rexxar善于用他那令人不安的野性撕扯敌人,而且为了胜利,他甚至会将自己的斧头往敌人身上扔去 。兽王Rexxar是这个行星上的真正的勇士,并且在需要他的时候随时都可以挺身而出 。A wandering vagrant of the Mok'nathal, the fabled half orc-half ogres of legend, Rexxar and his mighty blades have joined the cause of the Sentinel to better protect the natural world around him. A friend of beasts, Rexxar flails and tears at his enemies with unsettling savagery, even going as far as hurling his axes in the manner of boomerangs at his enemies to better his chances at victory. Truly a warrior of the living planet that thrives around him, the Beastmaster is an ally to be counted on when he is needed the most.属性简介初始射程 (Base Range): 100 | 初始攻击间隔 (Base Attack Time): 1.7初始移动速度 (Base Move Speed): 310 | 初始防御 (Base Armor): 2.0基本属性 (Primary Attribute): 力量 / Strength | 初始攻击力 (Base Damage): 56 - 60初始力量值 (Base Strength): 23 | 初始敏捷值 (Base Agility): 18 | 初始智力值 (Base Intelligence): 16力量增长係数 (Strength Growth): 2.20 | 敏捷增长係数 (Agility Growth): 1.60 | 智力增长係数 (Intelligence Growth): 1.90查看完整数据野性之斧 (Wild Axes) [W]兽王掷出他的双斧,它们交错迴旋并最终会回到兽王手中 。每把飞斧最多能对同一单位造成一次伤害 。无视魔法免疫法术攻击 普通伤害施法距离:1300冷却时间:13秒魔法消耗:120点Rexxar hurls his two axes outward, which then intersect and return to him. Each axe can only damage a unit once.一级 - 每把飞斧对经过的敌方单位造成90点的伤害 。二级 - 每把飞斧对经过的敌方单位造成120点的伤害 。三级 - 每把飞斧对经过的敌方单位造成150点的伤害 。四级 - 每把飞斧对经过的敌方单位造成180点的伤害 。Level 1 - Hurls two axes that intersect and return to him. Each axe deals 90 damage to units that it collides with, and can only damage each unit once.Level 2 - Hurls two axes that intersect and return to him. Each axe deals 120 damage to units that it collides with, and can only damage each unit once.Level 3 - Hurls two axes that intersect and return to him. Each axe deals 150 damage to units that it collides with, and can only damage each unit once.Level 4 - Hurls two axes that intersect and return to him. Each axe deals 180 damage to units that it collides with, and can only damage each unit once.