世界上最深的情(中英文版 世界之最英文版奇怪)( 二 )

So, really no longer complaining, although he walked, it was so absolute. Seeing all the audience laugh at my love and innocence. Now recall, I can lightly smile, laugh at my silly and laugh at my ignorance of brave, also calculate all laugh at his authority, I thank him coolly, even without this a rude, by a certain light yourself today.
That a ridiculous to leave after, we never meet, and never had a chance encounter in street, is god have mercy, don't let us embarrassed, relatively or our fate really is end neatly, so much so that, we won't have any on the other side of the message to each other
人有时是很是奇怪的,越是痛的往事,越是想翻开来看看,以此来嘲笑自己,痛击自己当年那些无知的傻气 。也许这个时候,恰恰是真的忘记了爱与伤害的时候 。当年那些刻骨铭心的痛,已经在心里结痂,平复,虽然它还会在某个阴雨天,让人觉得酸痒难受,但庆幸它终于不再有疼痛 。我会笑着抚摸那些深深浅浅的伤痕,从容地对那个制造它的人说谢谢 。
如果有一天,我们在街角遇见,我想,我一定会笑得自信阳光,笑得坦然明净,因为对情对爱,我从来都不曾亏欠,我会走上前去,与你握手,微笑,甚至寒暄 。我用坦然的谅解来证明我曾经爱得多么深刻,也向你证明那些伤害已经随着那些深爱,一起烟消云散 。
我依然念念不忘你的好,是因为我的深情,更是因为我的勇敢,我忘记你给我的所有伤害,是因为我的深情,更是因为我的宽容 。谢谢这个世界上有那样一个让我深爱得可以原谅的人,既让我成长,又让我拥有心怀的坦荡 。
Sometimes people are very strange, the more painful the past, the more want to turn over to look at, to laugh at themselves, to attack their own foolish foolish. Maybe this is the time to really forget about love and hurt. Those unforgettable pain, already in the heart of the scab, flat, although it will still be on some cloudy rainy day, let a person feel itchy and uncomfortable, but fortunately it no longer has pain. I would smile and touch the deep, shallow scars and say thank you to the man who made it.
If one day, we met at the street corner, I want to, I would laugh too confident sunshine, calm and serene and laughter, because of the mood for love, I never owe, I stepped forward, shaking hands with you, smile, and even fatal. I use my understanding to prove how deeply I have loved, and to prove to you that those injuries have vanished with those deep love.
I still want to remember your good, because of my deep feeling, but also because of my courage, I forgot all the harm you gave me, because of my deep feeling, but also because of my tolerance. Thank you for having such a loving and forgiving person in the world, both for me to grow up and for me to be open and honest.