
Qiankun is the main two hexagrams in the gossip, Qian is the sky, represents the illusion of clouds, kun for the earth, carrying the heavy and stable world, the description of the basic view of Yin and Yang, the change of nature, represents the strength of the movement, that is, the representative of Yang, the transformation has brought more changes to the world, promote the change of the situation, the evolution of human beings.

Nine turn the universe tripod of the pandragon system, also received wide attention by experts.It is reported that ancient emperors and important ministers in China were well known as "Zhouyi", with the "Ninth Five-Year Plan" as the "supreme".Ninety, flying dragon in the sky, see adults.It means the nine days, symbolizing the supreme authoritarianism.The dragon was the instrument of the royal court, and although the court was all civil and military officials, it could not overstep it.Nine turn the universe tripod, four dragons lifelike, seismic four directions, male ancient and modern, as if to have the supreme power, the view is peaceful.In addition, the swimming dragon in the Baoding zodiac, implied the meaning of dragon five, symbolizing the town, fortune and other auspicious meanings.


此藏品为“十二生肖九转乾坤鼎”,高为27厘米,底径为13.5厘米,重量为8.6千克。此器身为九转乾坤。九转乾坤鼎以九星之数雕刻,上有飞龙腾云,戏珠与文昌亭台图案组成。底部有“大清乾隆年制” 篆体字样。此件藏品气魄宏大,龙纹凶猛有力,乃盛世之写照,雕刻工艺精湛,刀法犀利,寓意吉祥,乃收藏之佳品!
This collection is "twelve zodiac", 27 cm high, a bottom diameter of 13.5 cm and a weight of 8.6 kg.This device is a nine to turn the universe.Nine turn universe tripod carved with the number of nine stars, dragon clouds, beads and Wenchang pavilion pattern.At the bottom of the "Qing Dynasty Qianlong year system" seal script words.This collection is grand, dragon lines fierce and powerful, is the portrayal of the prosperous age, exquisite carving technology, sharp knife method, meaning auspicious, is a good collection!

Its texture is dignified, calm hanging hand.Revthe mystery in the atmosphere, after years, vicissitudes of simplicity, view, will make the heart live quiet sense of peace.This device is exquisite design, exquisite workmanship, with great collection and ornamental value!
