科幻剧排行榜前十名,游戏排行榜2012前十名( 二 )

Washington Mutual
" Washington Mutual Bank, home of free checking, offers a range of banking products. Learn about checking and savings accounts, business products and services, retirement options, online banking, bill pay, home loans, home equity loans, credit cards, education loans, lines of credit and more. "
Sun Trust
" SunTrust Banks, Inc., headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, is one of the nation's largest commercial banking organizations. As of December 31, 2003, SunTrust had total assets of $125.4 billion and total deposits of $81.2 billion.
The company operates through an extensive distribution network primarily in Florida, Georgia, Maryland, Tennessee, Virginia and the District of Columbia and also serves customers in selected markets nationally.
SunTrust's primary businesses include deposit, credit, trust and investment services. Through various subsidiaries, the company provides credit cards, mortgage banking, insurance, brokerage and capital markets services. " more
谁能告诉我一些好看的 科幻类 动作类 特工类 都可以的 美剧吗


迷失除了好多季 悬疑重重 不错!
英雄超能力的 但是一点也 不俗气!里面的能力都很有特色!坏人也是~
玩偶特工 这个也不错 给人洗脑的 然后让人去做些任务 女主很漂亮!
邪恶力量 神叨叨的类型就是有鬼魂的那种 蛮有意思的!
鬼语者这个是有点悠久的 但是还可以 这个故事比较温柔 写鬼和能看见他们的人的事情感人的地方比较多! 一个一个故事组织而成!女主也漂亮!
2011美剧收视率排行榜 2011收视率最高的美剧 收视率最高美剧推荐

危机边缘 尼基塔 斯巴达克斯 , 血腥暴力 目前有第一季及其前传 LIE TO ME , 面部表情分析专家 ,  目前出到3季 THE 4000 , 科幻 远古入侵 , 四季 青春密语 , 目前三季结束 , 第四季正在更新 灵异之城 , 很好看 三季 猫鼠游戏 , 帅哥查案 , 轻松搞笑 还在更新 目前3季