EN_01LondonWhere will the Laver Cup take place?I wish this day had never come. It is a sad day for me personally and for people all over the world who love sports. I told you when we talked and here it is. It has been a pleasure, but also an honor and a privilege to share all these years with you, having so many wonderful moments together, on and off the court. We will still have many moments to share to share together in the future, but there are still many things to do together, we know. For now, I would sincerely wish you the best with your wife Mirka, your children, your family and enjoy for what the future will give you. We will see you in London for the Laver Cup.EN_02Mirka,Who is he's wife?I wish this day had never come. It is a sad day for me personally and for people all over the world who love sports. I told you when we talked and here it is. It has been a pleasure, but also an honor and a privilege to share all these years with you, having so many wonderful moments together, on and off the court. We will still have many moments to share to share together in the future, but there are still many things to do together, we know. For now, I would sincerely wish you the best with your wife Mirka, your children, your family and enjoy for what the future will give you. We will see you in London for the Laver Cup.
在未来,我们计划在框架中进一步完善NLU相关能力,并在此基础上更进一步,开发白盒化可拆解可迁移复用的多轮智能对话系统,敬请期待 。我们也将在框架中集成更多SOTA模型(特别是中?模型),来?持各种NLP和多模态任务 。此外,阿?云机器学习PAI团队也在持续推进中文阅读理解、对话系统及中?多模态模型的?研?作,欢迎?户持续关注我们,也欢迎加?我们的开源社区,共建中?NLP和多模态算法库!
参考文献Wang, et al. : Aand Easy-to-usefor. arXivChen.and .. Liu.:and . arXiv , et al. “SQuAD: 100,000+forof Text.” EMNLP , Jacob, et al. “BERT: Pre- of Deepfor.” NAACLCui, et al. “A Span-for” EMNLPCui, et al. “Pre- with Whole WordforBERT.” TASLP 2021 阿里灵杰回顾
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