which是什么意思英语翻译成中文 which是什么意思 which什么意思( 二 )

He broke the glass, which made his parents angry.( which指代句子He broke the glass)
Li Ming was late. which made Mr. Zhang very angry.
李明迟到了 , 这让张老师很生气 。
As a result ,my English was quite poor, which made me sad and disappointed.
结果 , 我的英语很糟糕 , 这使我很伤心和失望 。(which指代句子my English was quite poor)
It was built within a year, which seems absolutely incredible.
它在一年内就建成了 , 这简直难以置信 。(which指代句子It was built within a year)
【which是什么意思英语翻译成中文 which是什么意思 which什么意思】It provides partners with chances of studying from each other, which will benefit us in the long term.合作提供给合作者们相互学习的机会 , 这从长远看来将对我们有利 。
(which指代句子It provides partners with chances of studying from each other)
This school often provides students with chances of taking exercises, which will benefit students’physical health.
这个学校经常给学生锻炼的机会 , 这对学生的身体健康很有帮助 。

(which指代句子This school often provides students with chances of taking exercises)
Last but not least, you can spare some time to see a Peking Opera before that time, which can help you understand it better.
最后但同样重要的是 , 你可以在此之前去观看一场京剧 , 这样能帮助你更好地了解它 。
(which指代句子you can spare some time to see a Peking Opera before that time)

特别是最后两种用法高分作文经常可以看见 , 而阅卷老师也很着迷这种用法 , 所以同学们在写作文的时候特别是平常考试作文 , 要放心大胆地把which指代整个主句的用法写进作文里 。