网络上by是什么意思 网络上BY是什么意思 by网络用语骂人( 二 )

weight /we?t/ n. 重量,重力
exercise /?eks?sa?z/ n. 运动;练习

Improve your strength and balance by practising yoga
strength /stre?kθ/ n. 力量;力气
Improve /?m?pru?v/ vt. 改善,增进
balance /?b?l?ns/ n. 平衡;
practise /?pr?kt?s/ v. 练习,实践
yoga /?j??ɡ?/ n. 瑜伽

5、 by +反身代词

反身代词 self /self/ n. 自己
I = myself 我自己
One = oneself 某人自己
Our = ourselves 我们自己
Him = himself 他自己
You = yourself 你自己
Them = themselves 他们自己

You can go home now, I can finish it by myself.

I feel very happy that my son can ride his bike by himself.


The movie was filmed by Jerry
The movie was filmed with an underwater camera
I saw the lady with a dog
I saw the lady by the dog

I don&39;t need your help, I can do it __ myself
You can lighten your hair __ lemons
Would you like to order any fries __ your burger?
Improve your vocabulary __ reading the news in English
The other day I met a mother __ 13 children
The children live __ their parents __ the river
【网络上by是什么意思 网络上BY是什么意思 by网络用语骂人】I usually walk to work __ my husband but today we went __ bus