供认不讳意思是什么意思 供认不讳意思是什么 公认不讳什么意思( 二 )

4.be admitted to/into 被吸纳为……
He was admitted to (into) the Party. 他被吸收入党 。
5.be admitted as …被接纳为…
He was admitted as a Party member. 他被接纳为党员 。
1) 可是 , Susan不承认她做错过什么事 。
But Susan doesn’t admit that she has done anything wrong.
But Susan doesn’t admit doing anything wrong.
But Susan doesn’t admit to do anything wrong.
2)法官认为犯人是有罪的 。
The judge admitted the prisoner to be guilty.
The judge admitted the prisoner to be innocent.
3)任何人非因公事均不得入内 。
No one should be admitted except on business.
No one should be admitted to enter on business.
【供认不讳意思是什么意思 供认不讳意思是什么 公认不讳什么意思】 Admit 有两个基本意思:1)允许进入; 2)承认 。此外 , 还有“招收 , 容纳“的意思 。作”允许进入“和“招收 , 容纳“解时 , 是及物动词;作”承认“解时 , 既是及物动词又是不及物动词;作“允许进入”时 , 不能与enter, go in 等连用;作“承认”解时 , 后面可接动名词(短语)和含to be的动词不定式复合结构 ,  但不能直接跟to do; 也可接that引导的从句 。Admit to doing 与admit doing 都可表示“承认做过某事”;admit to doing 一般后接指过错/过失/罪名等贬义词语 , admit doing sth.所指范围不限 。Admit of /to; be admitted to/ into; be admitted as 都是常用短语和句型 。