朱利安·桑兹个人资料年龄简介朱利安·桑兹家庭背景图片资料( 二 )

Murder on the Moon ------- (1989)
Warlock ------- (1989)
Manika, une vie plus tard ------- (1989)
Vibes ------- (1988)
Wherever You Are... ------- (1988)
情不自禁 Siesta ------- (1987)
Basements ------- (1987)
歌德夜谭 Gothic ------- (1986)
后宫 Harem ------- (1986)
看得见风景的房间/翡冷翠之恋/窗外有蓝天 A Room with a View ------- (1985)
After Darkness ------- (1985)
东方快车之恋/东方快车恋曲 Romance on the Orient Express ------- (1985)
The Doctor and the Devils ------- (1985)
战火屠城 The Killing Fields ------- (1984)
The Sun Also Rises ------- (1984)
Oxford Blues ------- (1984)
A Married Man ------- (1983)
Privates on Parade ------- (1982)