关于爱情的文章,关于爱情的文章( 二 )



Love is a telephone
Love is a telephone which always keeps silent when you are longing for a call, but rings when you are not ready for it. As a result, we often miss the sweetness from the other end.
Love is a telephone which is seldom program-controlled or directly dialed. You cannot get an immediate answer by a mere“hello”, let alone go deep into your lover’s heart by one call. Usually it had to be relayed by an operator, and you have to be patient in waiting. Destiny is the operator of this phone, who is always irresponsible and fond of laying practical jokes to which she may make you a lifelong victim intentionally or unintentionally.
【关于爱情的文章,关于爱情的文章】Love is a telephone which is always busy, When you are ready to die for love, you only find, to your disappointment, the line is already occupied by someone else, and you are greeted only by a busy line, This is an eternal regret handed down from generation to generation and you are only one of those who languish for followers.
Love is telephone, but it is difficult to seize the center time for dialing, and you will let slip the opportunity if your call is either too early or too late.
Love is a telephone which is not always associated with happiness. Honeyed words are transmitted by sound waves, but when the lovers are brought together, the phone servers no purpose that many lovers observe that marriage is the doom of love.
Love is a telephone which, when you use it for the first time, makes you so nervous and excited that you either hold the receiver upside down or dial the wrong number. By the time you’ve calmed down, you will beat a loss to whom you should make the call.
Love is a telephone which often has crossed lines. And this usually happens to you unexpectedly. Your time will either cross or be crossed. Both cases are refereed to as “triangle” 。Fortunately, all such occurrences are transient.
爱情是一部电话机,渴望它响起时,它却总是悄无声息;不经心留意时,它又丁零零地响起 。因此,我们经常错过另一端传来的温馨的甜蜜 。
爱情这部电话机通常不是程控直拨的 。并非纯粹说声“喂”便可立即得到回音,更不是呼吸一声就能深深打动你爱人的心 。它通常需要人工转换,你得耐心等待 。命运是这部电话的话务员,她总是缺乏责任心,又爱搞恶作剧,或许有意无意地捉弄你一生 。
爱情这部电话总是忙忙碌碌 。当你正准备全身心投入甚至心甘情愿为爱而献身时,却发现线路正忙,已经有人通话了,迎接你的只是“线路正忙”,使你大失所望 。这是人类代代相袭的永恒的遗憾,只不过你是又一个为花而憔悴的人 。
爱情这部电话机,有时也很灵敏,一拨就通,一“喂”就应 。可你常常仅仅因为它缺乏挑战性、不太费力气而不假思索地挂上话筒,随即怏怏离去 。等你一旦醒悟了,另一端却无人接应 。
爱情这部电话机,很难把握拨号时机 。拨得太早或者太迟,机遇均会丧失 。
爱情这部电话机,并不总是与幸福紧密联系在一起 。多少甜言蜜语由声波传递,但相爱的人一旦厮守在一起,电话便无用武之地 。难怪许多相爱的人说道“婚姻是爱情的坟墓” 。
爱情这部电话机,第一次使用,会令你紧张、激动不已,不是倒拿了话筒,就是拨错了号码 。等你不再紧张激动的时候,往往不知道该给谁打电话为好 。
爱情这部电话机,经常线路相串 。而且串线通常在你一想不到的时候发生 。不是你的线路串到别人线路上,就是别人的线路串到你的线路上 。这种情况均称为“三角串” 。幸运的是,每一次串线都是暂时的 。http://www.xysc168.com/upload/shenghuo/fengjing7183tp.jpg" alt="一篇关于爱情的文章" />