全球历史总票房,全球历史票房排行榜( 三 )

26 玩具总动员2 / Toy Story 2 1999 $485,800,000 $245,852,179 $240,000,000
27 怪物史莱克 / Shrek 2001 $482,700,000 $267,665,011 $215,000,000
28 拯救大兵瑞恩 / Saving Private Ryan 1998 $481,600,000 $216,335,085 $265,300,000
29 绝地大反攻 / Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi 1983 $476,000,000 $309,306,177 $166,800,000
30 大白鲨 / Jaws 1975 $470,700,000 $261,225,440 $210,700,000
31 职业特工队 / Mission: Impossible 1996 $467,000,000 $180,981,886 $286,000,000
32 风月俏佳人 / Pretty Woman 1990 $463,400,000 $178,406,268 $285,000,000
33 黑客帝国 / The Matrix 1999 $458,000,000 $171,479,930 $286,500,000
34 角斗士 / Gladiator 2000 $457,600,000 $187,683,805 $269,900,000
35 泰山 / Tarzan 1999 $456,100,000 $171,091,819 $285,000,000
36 珍珠港 / Pearl Harbor 2001 $450,500,000 $198,542,554 $252,000,000
37 瞒天过海 / Ocean's Eleven 2001 $446,800,000 $183,417,150 $263,400,000
38 驱魔人 / The Exorcist 1973 $441,100,000 $232,671,011 $208,400,000
39 肥妈先生 / Mrs. Doubtfire 1993 $440,200,000 $219,195,243 $221,000,000
40 盗墓迷城2 / The Mummy Returns 2001 $430,000,000 $202,019,785 $228,000,000
41 荒岛求生 / Cast Away 2000 $427,200,000 $233,632,142 $193,600,000
42 黑超特警组2 / Men In Black II 2002 $425,800,000 $190,418,803 $235,400,000
43 与狼共舞 / Dances with Wolves 1990 $424,200,000 $184,208,848 $240,000,000
44 神鬼传奇 / The Mummy 1999 $413,800,000 $155,385,488 $258,400,000
45 蝙蝠侠 / Batman 1989 $413,200,000 $251,188,924 $162,000,000
46 雨人 / Rain Man 1988 $412,800,000 $172,825,435 $240,000,000
47 护花倾情 / The Bodyguard 1992 $410,900,000 $121,945,720 $289,000,000
48 乱世佳人 / Gone with the Wind 1939 $400,200,000 $198,655,278 $201,500,000
49 侠盗王子罗宾汉 / Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves 1991 $390,500,000 $165,493,908 $225,000,000
50 天兆 / Signs 2002 $387,800,000 $224,635,135 $162,000,000
51 油脂 / Grease 1978 $387,700,000 $181,518,204 $206,200,000
52 夺宝奇兵 / Raiders of the Lost Ark 1981 $383,900,000 $245,034,358 $141,500,000
53 美女与野兽 / Beauty and the Beast 1991 $378,300,000 $171,233,238 $207,000,000
54 哥斯拉 / Godzilla 1998 $376,100,000 $136,314,294 $239,800,000
55 冰河时代 / Ice Age 2002 $374,400,000 $176,387,405 $198,000,000
56 男人百分百 / What Women Want 2000 $374,100,000 $182,811,707 $191,300,000
57 亡命天涯 / The Fugitive 1993 $368,900,000 $183,875,760 $185,000,000
58 侏罗纪公园3 / Jurassic Park III 2001 $365,900,000 $181,171,875 $184,700,000
59 真实的谎言 / True Lies 1994 $365,300,000 $146,282,411 $219,000,000
60 虎胆龙威3 / Die Hard: With a Vengeance 1995 $365,000,000 $100,012,499 $265,000,000
61 我为玛丽狂 / There's Something About Mary 1998 $364,500,000 $176,484,651 $188,000,000
62 虫虫特工队 / A Bug's Life 1998 $363,400,000 $162,798,565 $200,600,000
63 新娘百分百 / Notting Hill 1999 $363,100,000 $116,089,678 $247,000,000
64 玩具总动员 / Toy Story 1995 $361,500,000 $191,796,233 $169,700,000
65 人猿星球 / Planet of the Apes 2001 $359,300,000 $180,011,740 $179,300,000
66 新聪明笨伯 / The Flintstones 1994 $358,500,000 $130,531,208 $228,000,000
67 恐龙 / Dinosaur 2000 $356,100,000 $137,748,063 $218,400,000
68 黑日危机 / The World Is Not Enough 1999 $354,800,000 $126,931,568 $227,800,000
69 阿波罗十三号 / Apollo 13 1995 $353,500,000 $172,071,312 $181,400,000
70 黄金眼 / GoldenEye 1995 $353,400,000 $106,429,941 $247,000,000
71 本能 / Basic Instinct 1992 $352,700,000 $117,727,224 $235,000,000
72 谁害死了兔子罗杰 / Who Framed Roger Rabbit 1988 $351,500,000 $156,452,370 $195,000,000
73 回到未来 / Back to the Future 1985 $350,600,000 $210,609,762 $140,000,000
74 汉尼拔 / Hannibal 2001 $350,100,000 $165,092,056 $185,000,000